The complete 2H200 kit allows you to manufacture an orthosis for knee osteoarthritis. The 2H21099
assembling instructions explain how to manufacture the bands and to form the uprights using the
included 2H210 kit. Please read it before starting lining.
The components of the orthosis must be separately covered with textile before final riveting.
Cover the outside of the thigh band with adhesive fabric. A 5 mm turn in is enough.
Proceed the same way with the assembly «uprights + BK band».
inserted, they do not need to be covered up to their top because they will be covered by the
thigh band. Pay attention to the limit drawn on the uprights because fabric must not be
applied near the joint. Mark the riveting holes.
Place the micro-Velcro® round pieces inside the AK band. The micro-Velcro® band must be
so sticked inside the BK band that it covers the holes and will be riveted later with the strap
and the BK loop. Cut this micro-Velcro® band in two parts if needed (see fig. 1). Before
sticking check that the surfaces are clean and degreased. Optimal sticking is achieved after a
48 hours setting time.
Use the tubular rivets with black cap (red arrows on fig.1) to assemble the thigh band and the
uprights. Do not forget to rivet the thigh strap and its loop in the same operation. Popli-
teal and tibial straps and their respective loops must also be fixed using tubular rivets with
black cap.
Cut the 3D fabric according to the thigh band outline + 5 mm for turn in.
Lining (3D fabric for the thigh and copolymer strip for the BK part) can be placed inside the
Medial side
Thigh loop : to be
fixed in the upper
hole of the AK
medial upright
Popliteal loop : to
be fixed in the hole
in the middle of the
BK medial upright
BK loop :
to be fixed in the
hole of the band
(see 2H21099).
2H200-G / 2H200-D
Assembling instructions
Lateral side
6, rue de la Redoute - 21850 Saint-Apollinaire - France
Tél. : 33 (0)3 80 78 42 10 - Fax: 33 (0)3 80 78 42 15
2H20099-02/13 - Page 3/8
If the uprights will be
Thigh strap : must be
kept parallel to the upper
edge of the band during
thightening. Use the
upper riveting hole of the
lateral AK upright.
Popliteal strap : to be
fixed in the hole in the
middle of the BK lateral
BK strap : to be
fixed in the hole
of the band (see