1. Follow steps 1 thru 6 in pulley shaft section.
2. Loosen clamp screw on left pitman arm C and
remove from shaft.
3. Loosen clamp screw in eccentric assembly D
and remove.
4. Remove two (2) top screws securing the other
side arm assembly. Side arm, shaft and pitman
arm, are now removable by pulling side arm out.
5. Remove eccentric and both bearing cages E.
Put a pan under rear portion of case to catch oil
from case cavity.
6. Push shaft to left of case, lift right end of shaft
out of case with bearings and sprocket intact.
7. To remove sprocket, press bearing from shaft,
and slide sprocket off.
NOTE: End play on shaft must not exceed .005
(.127 mm) clearance and should rotate
freely when bearing cages are tightened.
8. Assemble in reverse procedure. After blade
shifter assembly is installed, adjust dog clutch to
provide .015" (0.39 mm) clearance between
clutch faces, as shown.
9. Apply 3M Scotch Grip 847 adhesive or
equivalent to gear case cover before installation.
(0.39 mm)