• Dyspareunia (recurring or constant genital pain during sexual
intercourse) of different causes, e.g.:
• vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina)
• adnexitis (combined inflammation of the fallopian tubes,
ovaries and surrounding tissue)
• vaginal stenosis
• endometriosis
• vaginismus (tightening of the vaginal muscles)
• scarring following surgical cuts to the perineum (episiotomy) or
perineal tears
• subsequent to gynaecological operations (e.g. prolapse surgery or
cancer operations)
• during and after radiotherapy/chemotherapy
• after vaginal surgery involving tightening of the vagina
and scarring
• skin conditions such as certain lichen forms, e.g. lichen sclerosus
• vaginoplasty/neovagina (e.g. during sex reassignment surgery)
• narrowness of the vagina
Stretching exercises with the Vagiwell
in making gynaecological examinations or the insertion of tampons
less painful.
dilators can also be useful