Set the "3.YWAY" parameter
Proceed as follows to set parameter 3:
1. On the scale of the lever, read the value marked by the carrier pin.
2. Set the parameter with the buttons or to the read value.
5. Call the "4.INITA" parameter. To do this, briefly press the
6. Start the initialization process. To do this, press the
The positioner runs through five initialization steps during the automatic initialization process. Displays for the
initialization steps from "RUN 1" to "RUN 5" are shown in the lower line on the display. The initialization process depends
on the actuator used, and takes up to 15 minutes.
7. The following display indicates that the automatic initialization is complete:
Aborting the automatic initialization process
1. Press the
button. The display shows the following:
The positioner is in the "Configuration" mode.
2. Exit the "Configuration" mode. To do this, press the
The software status is displayed.
After releasing the
Manual initialization of linear actuators
See detailed operating instructions for information on manual initialization of linear actuators.
Commissioning part-turn actuators
Preparing part-turn actuators for commissioning
Setting of the adjustment angle
The usual adjustment angle for part-turn actuators is 90°.
Set the transmission ratio selector in the positioner to 90°.
SIPART PS2 (6DR5...)
A5E03436620-AB, 01/2017
button, the positioner is in "P manual mode". The positioner is not initialized.
button. The display shows the following:
button for at least 5 seconds until the display shows the
button for at least 5 seconds.