Instruction Manual
Important Information
Read this instruction manual before installing the Grow child restraint in your
Thank you for choosing an Axkid child seat. Our team has over 30 years combined
experience within child safety, and we have done our utmost to make the Grow child
seat as safe as possible. The Grow child restraint is approved according to ECE
R44/04, the latest European standards for child safety. To maximise your child' s safety
it is important that you keep the following in mind;
Read this instruction manual carefully before installing the Grow child restraint.
If in doubt, contact your retailer who can demonstrate a correct installation. An
incorrect installation could endanger your child.
The seat is ONLY to be used forward facing and for children weighing between
15 and 36kg.
Do not use a child restraint in a seating position where an active airbag is fitted. If
you still wish to install the Grow in this location the airbag must be disconnected
at an authorised service centre. Some vehicles may be equipped with a switch
which allows you to manually switch the airbag off. It is important to always
check if the vehicle' s indicator light shows that the airbag is turned off.
DO NOT use anything such as a cushion or coat to raise the Grow off the
passenger seat. In the event of an accident, the Grow and the vehicle seat belts
will not be able to protect your child as well as they should.
Never leave your child unattended in the car.
All passengers must be secured in their seats using a safety belt.
Ensure all passengers know how to release your child in case of an emergency.
Forward-facing 15-36 kg