Brushing technique
Follow these simple steps to maximize your brushing
Before turning the Sonicare on, place the
bristles of the brush head on your gumline at a
45-degree angle.
Hold the handle with a light grip, turn the
Sonicare on, and gently move the bristles in
a small circular motion so the longer bristles
reach between your teeth. After a few seconds,
glide the bristles to the next section. Continue
this routine throughout your 2-minute
brushing cycle.
To maximize the effectiveness of your Sonicare
toothbrush, use light pressure and let the
Sonicare toothbrush do the brushing for you.
Do not scrub.
To make sure you brush evenly throughout
the mouth, divide your mouth into 4 sections:
outside top, inside top, outside bottom and
inside bottom teeth. Begin brushing in section
1 (outside top teeth) and brush for 30 seconds
before moving to section 2 (inside top teeth).
Continue brushing for 30 seconds in each
section progressing through all 4 sections until
you've brushed for 2 minutes.