• Emergency ventilation fans, can be dual pur-
pose, or dedicated Emergency operation. If fan
is not operated for long periods then fan should
be run as prescribed by local regulations, or as
minimum 15 minutes each month, to ensure
safe operation
Fan equipment and packaging are protected from
adverse atmosphere, especially water, sand,
dust, vibration and excessive temperature. The
packaging used for this fan has been designed to
support normal transporting conditions.
The fan must always be transported in its original
packaging. Do not accept delivery if the fan is not
in its original packaging or shows clear signs of
having been damaged.
Do not place heavy weights on the packaging and
avoid impact damage.
Any lifting equipment must be safe and of suita-
ble capacity for weight and size. Special attention
may be required to ensure fan assembly does not
distort or tilt as weight distribution may vary.
When Fan equipment is carefully lowered or
placed on a surface, be it temporary, during lift-
ing, positioning, storage or permanent, this must
be a fl at surface to avoid distortion of fan casing
or fan assembly.
Storage must be in a safe, fl at, controlled envi-
ronment to prevent damage, especially from wa-
ter, sand, dust, moisture, corrosion, temperature.
Recommend that duct connections (infl ow and
outfl ow) are closed to avoid dust/debris entering
the equipment.
These data may also apply to an installed fan,
which is not put into operation for extended pe-
Fan equipment should be electrically isolated
and locked out before any work started.
Before any installation work is started, ensure
that fan equipment is correct for application. Lo-
cation for installation is solid, level, fl at and suit-
able for mounting fan assembly.
Fan should be located in position, and assem-
bled with any accessory equipment supplied, on
relevant mounting, anti-vibration mountings,
safety protection guards, on a solid level base to
avoid any distortion and misalignment and with
correct air direction as shown on nameplate.
Fan should then be leveled on any anti-vibration
mountings. Flexible connectors must be taught
to ensure no disruption to air fl ow, especially on
inlet to fan.
• Check fan equipment name plate data is appro-
priate to the location electrical supply, espe-
cially Voltage, Frequency, Phase, Amps, speed
are correct.
• Check earth connections, electrical termina-
tions and terminal box lid, with any seals, if fi t-
ted, are correct.
• In compliance with Machine Directive, if the fan
is accessible to operators and is a health and
safety risk, adequate protection must be fi tted,
information for safety equipment, including
guards, can be found in S&P accessories cat-
• Check all rotating parts have free, unobstructed
• Check there are no foreign bodies inside the fan
or that can be drawn into, or fall into fan.
• Check the structure is complete and has no
• Check installation and area is safe and energise
fan and start motor. Check that the impeller and
airfl ow direction is correct, check current does
not exceed fan equipment nameplate data.
• After two hours of operation, check that all fi x-
ings are tight and adjust if necessary.
For fans with S&P sourced/sub-supplier motors,
the motor instructions will be included with the
fan equipment for extra assistance to Installer.
Refer these for further motor guidance. Electrical
connections are made in accordance with con-
nection diagram in the motor instructions and/or
inside motor terminal box.
Many S&P fans are supplied with a cable gland
for typical electrical power cable connection, to
assist installation. However, if Installer uses a ca-
ble requiring a differing cable gland, this is to be
supplied by the Installer, no alternative is offered