and units
Version 05
SKF Lubrication Systems Germany GmbH
Walldorf Plant
Heinrich-Herz-Straße 2-8
69190 Walldorf · Germany
+49 (0)6227 33-0
+49 (0)6227 33-259
The Power of Knowledge Engineering
Drawing on five areas of competence and application-specific expertise amassed over more than 100
years, SKF brings innovative solutions to OEMs and production facilities in every major industry world-
wide. These five competence areas include bearings and units, seals, lubrication systems, mechatronics
(combining mechanics and electronics into intelligent systems), and a wide range of services, from 3-D
computer modelling to advanced condition monitoring and reliability and asset management systems.
A global presence provides SKF customers uniform quality standards and worldwide product availability.
Important information on product usage
All products from SKF may be used only for their intended purpose as described in this
brochure and in any instructions. If operating instructions are supplied with the products, they
must be read and followed.
Not all lubricants are suitable for use in centralized lubrication systems. SKF does offer an
inspection service to test customer supplied lubricant to determine if it can be used in a central-
ized system. SKF lubrication systems or their components are not approved for use with gases,
liquefied gases, pressurized gases in solution and fluids with a vapor pressure exceeding normal
atmospheric pressure (1 013 mbar) by more than 0,5 bar at their maximum permissible
Hazardous materials of any kind, especially the materials classified as hazardous by European
Community Directive EC 67/548/EEC, Article 2, Par. 2, may only be used to fill SKF centralized
lubrication systems and components and delivered and/or distributed with the same after
consulting with and receiving written approval from SKF.