In the case of the Smashweld 316 Topflex, the wire speed is adjusted in the Origo™ Feed 302 wire feed.
In both units, the wire speed mechanism is done through a motor-reducer of continuous current with an
electronic control. In all cases the wire speed mechanism is done through a system called "push system".
In both Smashweld 316 and Smashweld 316 Topflex, an inductance control allows a precise adjustment of
the dynamic chararcteristc of the power source when working with short circuit transfer in order to
guarantee excellent arc stability when working with CO or with any other mixture destined to this type of
A digital instrument allows the reading of the welding and voltage current parameters. This instrument is
provided with memory in order to maintain fixed the parameter values of the last welding performed.
The Smashweld 316 and Smashweld 316 Topflex units are provided with wheels, castors and lifiting eye
which allow moving it easily around the working area.
The Smashweld 316 and Wire Feeder can operate with Feed rollers of 300 mm external reels (international
standard Spool 25) with up to 15 kg of steel wire.
The duty cycle refers to the duty factor (F.t.) the reasoning, in percentage, between the period of time in
which the welding machine can supply a certain maximum welding current(loading time) and a reference
time; according to international standards, this reference time is of 10 minutes.
The Smashweld 316 and Smashweld 316 Topflex units are characterized by 3 duty cycles: The nominal
duty cycle with a value of 35% which corresponds to the duty capacity of the machines in their maximum
current range, the duty cycle of 60% and the duty cycle of 100%.
The duty cycle of 35% means that the machine supplies its maximum welding current at periods of 3.5 min
(loading), each period is then followed by a resting period (the machine does not supply welding current) of
6.5 min. (3.5 + 6.5 = 10 min.), simultaneously, and not exceeding the internal temperature limit of the
components, according to their design and project.
The same reasoning is applied to any value of the duty cycle. The duty cycle of 100% means that the unit
can supply welding current specified (see table 4.1) non-stop, that is, without any need of rest.
In a welding machine, the duty cycle allowed increases up to 100% once the welding current used
decreases, inversely, the duty cycle allowed decreases once the welding current increases up to the
maximum current range.
Smashweld 316
Smashweld 316 Topflex