Register your new DVD Writer online at and click on "Support."
To ensure maximum performance speeds and
quality, please frequently check the
website for any firmware updates. You can check
for updates at the link below. Find your drive and
click on the link for your drive model.
1. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS UNIT! This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements. Modifications not expressly approved by
Memorex may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product.
2. IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories and/or another product use only high quality shielded cables. Cable/s supplied with this product MUST be used. Follow all installation instructions. Failure
to follow instructions could void your FCC authorization to use this product in the USA.
3. NOTE: This product has been tested and found to comply with the requirements listed in FCC Regulations, Part 15 for Class "B" digital devices. Compliance with these requirements provides a reasonable level of
assurance that your use of this product in a residential environment will not result in harmful interference with other electronic devices. This equipment generates/uses radio frequencies and, if not installed and used
according to the instructions found in the users manual, may cause interference harmful to the operation of other electronic devices. Compliance with FCC regulations does not guarantee that interference will not
occur in all installations. If this product is found to be the source of interference, which can be determined by turning the product "OFF" and "ON", please try to eliminate the problem by using one of the following
Relocate either this product or the device that is being affected by the interference.
Utilize power outlets that are on different branch (circuit breaker or fuse) circuits or install AC line filter/s.
In the case of radio or TV interference, relocate/reorient the antenna. If the antenna lead-in is 300 ohm ribbon lead, change the lead-in to coaxial type cable.
If these corrective measures do not produce satisfactory results, please contact the local retailer authorized to distribute this type of product. If you can not locate the appropriate retailer, please contact
Imation Enterprises Corp. 1 Imation Way, Oakdale, MN 55128-3414 USA.
Inscrire le nouveau graveur DVD en ligne
à l'adresse et cliquer sur «
Support ».
Pour obtenir un rendement optimal en termes
de vitesse et de qualité, vérifiez fréquemment
sur le site Web si des mises `à
niveau sont disponibles pour le micrologiciel de
votre lecteur. Pour ce faire, cliquez sur le lien ci-
dessous. Repérez votre lecteur, puis cliquez sur le
lien correspondant au modèle de votre lecteur.
Registre su nueva grabadora de DVD en
línea en el sitio y pulse en
"Support" (Soporte).
Para obtener un rendimiento óptimo en términos
de velocidad y la calidad, comprobar la frecuencia
en la página web si nivel »que
están disponibles para el firmware para su
reproductor. Para ello, haga clic en el enlace de
abajo. Busque la unidad y, a continuación, haga
clic en el enlace para el modelo de su unidad.
Faça o registro on-line de seu novo
gravador de DVD. Acesse o site memorex.
com e clique em "Suporte".
Para obter o desempenho ideal em termos de
velocidade e qualidade, verificar a freqüência
no site se nível "disponível para
o firmware para o seu leitor. Basta clicar no link
abaixo. Localize a unidade e, em seguida, clique
no link para o modelo do seu aparelho.