To Restart Heater; Long-Term Storage Of Heater - Mi-T-M MH-0600-0M10 Manual Del Operador

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1. Push "OPERATION BUTTON", This will cause heater flame to go out. The motor will continue to run during
the cooling cycle. This allows the fan to cool the combustion chamber. When the cooling cycle (approx. 2
minutes) is finished, the motor will stop. Do not unplug heater until cooling cycle is finished.
2. Disconnect heater from power source.
3. To temporarily stop heater, set thermostat at a temperature lower than air around heater. Heater will cycle
back on if air temperature around heater matches thermostat setting.
Note: Using Diesel fuel can cause excess soot production.

To ResTaRT heaTeR

CaUTIon: Do noT ResTaRT heaTeR UnTIl CoolInG CYCle Is fInIsheD.
The cooling cycle cools the combustion chamber.
1. Wait until cooling cycle is finished after stopping heater.
2. Repeat steps under TO START HEATER.

lonG-TeRM sToRaGe of heaTeR

1. Remove drain nut from rear bottom side of fuel tank by unscrewing
nut and drain.
2. Using a small amount of kerosene, swirl and rinse the inside of
the tank. NEVER MIX WATER WITH KEROSENE, as it will cause
rust inside the tank. Pour the kerosene out, making sure that you
remove it all.
IMPoRTanT: Do not store kerosene over summer for use during
next heating season. Using old fuel may damage heater.
3. Reinstall drain bolt as follows:
Insert bolt's seal head fully into drain hole so that flange is
flush to tank's bottom.
Insert seal cap fully into head hole so that cap flange is flush
to head flange.
IMPoRTanT: Reinstall bolt fully into hole in tank; otherwise it will not
seal completely.
Make sure storage place is free of dust and corrosive fumes.
Store the heater in the original box with the original packing
material and keep USER'S MANUAL with heater.
WaRnInG: neveR leave heaTeR UnaTTenDeD WhIle bURnInG, ConneCTeD To a PoWeR
soURCe, oR WhIle ConneCTeD To a fUel soURCe.
Kerosene Portable Heater Manual
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