Mounting of attachments:
The mounting or installation of any attachments and modifications and/or additions to
hardware or software which will interfere with, or supplement, rated capacity, safe op-
eration, any emergency control or device, or any other function of the truck is only per-
mitted with approval of the proposed modifications or additions by the manufacturer.
When such approval is granted, capacity, operation, and maintenance instruction pla-
tes, tags, or decals must be changed accordingly.
If necessary, the approval of local authorities must also be obtained.
Approval obtained from local authorities does not render manufacturer approval of
the modifications or additions unnecessary.
If the truck is equipped with attachment(s) including fork extensions, the user shall
see that the truck is marked to identify the attachment(s), show the approximate
weight of the truck and attachment combination, and show the capacity of the truck
with attachment(s) at maximum elevation with load laterally centered.
When modifications involve rebuild and repair of the basic unit, they shall be made in
accordance with the manufacturer's established criteria and procedures.
The basic functions of the truck are:
– steering (guidance)
– travel
– control and sensing
– lifting/load manipulation
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