This device is registered with the Federal Communica-
tions Commission under the following number:
FCC ID: QRICMSMART (CardioMessenger Smart 3G) and
FCC ID: QRICMSMART2G (CardioMessenger Smart 2G).
Telemetry data for Canada
This device must not cause harmful interference to
stations operating in the 400.150-406.000 MHz band in
the Meteorological Aids (i.e., transmitters and receivers
used to communicate weather data), the Meteorological
Satellite, or the Earth Exploration Satellite Services and
must accept interference that may be caused by such
stations, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
This device meets the RSS standards of Industry Canada.
The operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) The device must not cause interference and (2) the
device must handle any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
The CardioMessenger is registered at Industry Canada
under the following identification:
IC 4708A-CMSMART (CardioMessenger Smart 3G) and
IC 4708A-CMSMART2G (CardioMessenger Smart 2G).
Electromagnetic compatibility
Note: The CardioMessenger is protected from distur-
bances resulting from electromagnetic interference,
electrostatic discharges, and other sources of interfer-
ence – including interference induced by wiring. At the
same time, interfering electromagnetic emissions from
the CardioMessenger have been minimized. The Cardio-
Messenger therefore meets the requirements of
EN 60601-1-2 in every respect.