1. Wear appropriate protective clothing:
- Do not use loose clothing or any jewellery when operating this
- Long hair must be tied back to operate this equipment.
- You must wear protective leather gloves when handling the
winch rope. Do not touch touch the wire rope with you bear
hands, broken wires may harm cause injuries.
- Always use protective Googles.
- It's recommemded to wear non-slippery safety footware,
safety helmet.
2. Don't let children get close:
- Never allow children to be in the working area or touch the
winch, it's components or the wire rope.
3. Keep a safe distance:
- Always stand clear, keep hands clear, keep others away at least
1.5 times the lenght of the wich rope. Wire rope can break wi-
thout warning.
- Do not stand near or pass over the rope while in tension, even
if the winch is not pulling.
- No persons must be away from the working area.
- Pay attention all the time.
4. Secure the vehicle before using the winch:
- Make sure the structure or vehicle resists the pulling force
you will apply and that the hook of the winch is adecuately
secured to it.
5. Observe the winch behaviour :
- if the motor becomes too hot to comfortably hold your bare
hand on stop operation immediately and allow to cool a couple
of minutes before further use.
- Desenergize the winch if the motor stops.
6. Winding the winch cable:
- You must wear leather gloves to handling the winch rope.
- To proceed properly you need to apply and maintain a
small load on the rope. While the operator winds the rope
someone else should lead to correct location. Start as far
as possible keeping it centered.
- Do not let the winch rope falls off and always keep a safe
distance from the winch.
- Repeat this process until one (1) meter of cable was
been left unwind.
- Disconnect the remote or/and from the power source.
7. Keep the Winch and it's components in god conditions:
- Keep you winch and components clean.
- Inspect your winch before using.
- Check alineation of the moving parts of the winch.
- Check the base and mounting parts.
- Check the electrical connections and cables.
- Check the Hook, never use a hook thar has lost it's original shape.
- Check the wire rope in along the whole length. Never use a
defective or repaired wire rope.
- If you detect any damage in any of the previous points do not
use the Winch. Take it to an authorized technical service for repairs.
8. Winch repair:
- In order to repair a Prowinch® winch, use only original Prowinch®
parts. Using unauthorized parts will void warranty.
9. Power cord misuse:
- Do not lift the winch or any equipment from the power
- Never route electrical cables across sharp edges.
- Never route electrical cables near parts that get hot.
- Never route electrical cables through or near moving
- Never route electrical cables over battery terminals.
- Always insulate and protect all exposed wiring and elec-
trical terminals.
10. Store the Winch and it's parts:
- When not in use, store in a dry place to void rusting and out of
reach from children.