Protecting/unblocking or deleting an individu-
al file
In the submenu, choose "DELETE" or "PROTECT" single imag-
es; the images are shown individually on the display.
Select an image using the or buttons.
Choose "PROTECT"/"UNLOCK" or "DELETE" as soon as the re-
quired file is displayed on the screen.
Press the O K button to protect/unlock or delete the file and re-
turn to playback mode.
Protecting/unlocking or deleting several files
In the "DELETE" or "PROTECT" submenu, select the subitem
"MULTI"; the images are shown on the display in a thumbnail
Select an image using the or buttons.
Press the O K button as soon as the required file is highlighted.
This marks the file or removes the marking.
Repeat until all the images which you would like to protect or
delete are marked.
Press the O K button. A confirmation prompt appears.