Operating mode
Here you can adjust the self-timer or select
the picture sequence settings.
10 SEC. – The picture is taken 10 seconds af-
ter pressing the shutter release
2 SEC. – The picture is taken 2 seconds after
pressing the shutter release.
DOUBLE – 2 pictures are taken. The first is
taken 10 seconds after pressing the shutter
release and the second 2 seconds later.
SEQUENCE (sequence of shots) – With this
setting, the camera continues to take shots
in sequence for as long as the shutter re-
lease is held down.
Fast series. – With this setting, the camera
records a series of 30 images.
This mode can only be activat-
ed if using a Class 6 SDHC mem-
ory card.
OFF – Sequence shooting is deactivated.
Here you can switch the automatic exposure
function on or off.