Operating Instructions; Flushing The System; Cold Water Operation; Lighting Pilot Valve - Mi-T-M HLP Serie Instrucciones De Operación

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operatinG instructions

Once you have completed the PRE-OPERATION CHECKLIST on pg. 16, you
are ready for operation. The following steps will help you operate your machine

flusHinG tHe system:

1. This unit has a steel coil which, after setting, will cause the water remaining
in the coil from the previous usage to turn brown or black. This water must
be flushed from the system before start-up. This procedure should be
performed without the gun installed.
a. Verify the water supply is on.
b. Move the control switch to the "PUMP" position to start the pumping
c. Run the unit for 3-5 minutes.
d. Turn off machine.
e. Turn off water supply.
Once the system is flushed, connect the trigger gun to the high
pressure hose.

cold Water operation:

. Refer to the "Safety Precautions" pgs. 4-9 before starting the unit.
2. Locate the Safety Decals on your unit and heed their warnings.
3. Pointing the trigger gun in a safe direction, unlock the trigger gun and
squeeze the trigger. Brace yourself for possible gun kickback when the
pump starts.
4. Move the control switch to the "PUMP" position to start the pumping unit.
5. Once the unit has started, perform the following procedures with the gun
a. Inspect for system water and oil leaks.
b. Inspect high pressure hoses for leaks. If a leak is found, DO NOT TOUCH
before using the unit. See "Risk of Injection" warnings, pg. 7. Be sure
that all damaged parts are replaced and that the mechanical problems
are corrected prior to operation of the unit.
6. At this point, the unit is operating as a cold water pressure washer. Trigger
the gun several times. NEVER place hand or fingers in front of the nozzle
or look directly into the nozzle! High pressure water creates a risk of severe
7. Your pressure washer can deliver high pressure spray using cold water. If you
wish to use the hot water or steam application; or cleaning with detergents,
see pg. 22 for the correct procedures.

liGHtinG pilot ValVe:

. Ensure that all the switches are in the "OFF" position.
2. Remove the L.P.-Gas tank from unit. Move tank away from unit as far as
the supply hose allows.
3. Open the valve on the L.P.-Gas tank. Turn knob on the gas valve to the pilot
4. Depress the control knob and hold. After five seconds, firmly depress
red ignitor button. Repeat two or three times, if necessary, until pilot
lights. Once pilot is lit, continue to hold control knob down for
approximately one minute.
5. Check the mirror at the rear of the unit to view the pilot. If the pilot does
not remain lit, wait five minutes. Then repeat step 4, holding the control knob
down for a longer period of time.
HLP-SERIES Hot Water Pressure Washer Operator's Manual
risK of unit damaGe!
be certain tHe Gun is not
connected to tHe unit
WHile flusHinG tHe system.
flusHinG alloWs mineral
deposits to be released
from tHe system WHicH
Would obstruct or damaGe
tHe Gun and resultinG in
costly repairs.
risK of inJection causinG
seVere inJury!
Keep clear of noZZle! neVer
place Hand or finGers in
front of noZZle!
do not direct discHarGe
stream at people or pets!
risK of damaGe!
do not alloW spray pattern
to remain on a fiXed area
for an eXtended period of
time. possible damaGe may
occur to tHe area.
risK of eXplosion or fire!
f o l l o W
i n s t r u c t i o n s
eXactly! if not, a fire or
eXpl osion may result
causinG property damaGe,
personal inJury or loss
of life.
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