1. Set ignition switch (1) to ON position.
(Fig. 2-2, 2B)
*Push priming bulb (4) several times so that
fuel flows through the bulb or return pipe.
(If so equipped) (Fig. 2-3)
2. Set choke lever to CLOSED position.
(Fig. 2-3)
3. Pull recoil starter briskly, taking care to keep
the handle in your grasp and not allowing it
to snap back. (Fig. 2-4)
4. When you hear the engine want to start,
return choke lever to RUN position (open).
Then pull recoil starter briskly again.
(Fig. 2-3)
If engine does not start, repeat procedures from
2 to 4.
5. After starting engine, allow the engine about
2-3 minutes to warm up before subjecting it
to any load.
Fig. 2-2
Fig. 2-2B
Fig. 2-4
Fig. 2-3