12. Warranty card
Warranty card
We grant a warranty in accordance with the statutory and country-specific regulations on all electrical
medical products (verification required in the form of an invoice or delivery note). The warranty period
is two years. In the event of material or production errors, we provide free repair of the unit. Any
attempt to carry out independent repairs will render the warranty cover null and void.
Damage caused by incorrect handling, overloading or normal wear and tear is not covered under the
In the event of a warranty claim and resulting repair, please enclose a copy of the invoice or delivery
We grant a on all electrical medical products
2-year warranty
terms of the warranty.
note (or batch number) with the instrument.
Manufacturer and Aftersales Service Address:
HEBUmedical GmbH
Badstraße 8
78532 Tuttlingen
Tel. +49 7461 9471 - -0
Fax +49 7461 9471 -22
HBS x-touch 300 BiSeal