Relief Valve; Power Supply - Stiebel Eltron ACCELERA 300 Manual De Operación E Instalación

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Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

4 Information label "Hot water outlet"
WW Austritt
DHW outlet
5 Information label "Relief valve"
A temperature and pressure relief valve
must be fitted to the clearly marked
socket. The valve drain outlet pipe
must not be sealed or blocked, and the
valve easy gear is to be operated
at least once every six month.
6 Information label "Relief valve installation location"

Relief valve

The relief valve installation
must be fitted to this socket.
7 Information label "Cold water inlet"
KW Eintritt
CW Inlet
8 Information label "Power connection"

Power supply

Disconnect power supply
before opening the cover.
9 Type plate
Type: Accelera 300/WHP 300
Order-No.: 222423
Observe the installation manual! Tested for leaks!
10 Information label "Fluorated gases"
DE: Enthält vom Kyoto - Protokoll erfasste fluorierte Treibhausgase - hermetisch geschlossenes System.
GB: Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol - hermetically sealed.
FR: Comprend les gaz à effet de serre fluorés enregistrés par le protocole de Kyoto - systèmes hermétiquement scellés.
NL: Bevat gefluoreerde broeikasgassen die onder het Kyoto-protocol vallen - hermetisch gesloten systeem.
SE: Innehåller av Kyoto - protokollet registrerade flourerande växthusgaser i hermetiskt förslutna system.
PL: Zawiera fluorowane gazy cieplarniane ujęte w Protokole z Kioto - hermetycznie zamknięty układ.
CZ: Obsahuje fluorizované skleníkové plyny, obsažené v Kjótském protokolu - hermeticky uzavřený systém.
HU: A Kiotói Jegyzıkönyv szerinti fluortartalmú üvegházhatású gázokat tartalmaz - hermetikusan zárt rendszer.
IT: Contiene gas fluorurati ad effetto serra disciplinati dal protocollo di Kyoto - Impianto ermeticamente chius.
ES: Sistema herméticamente cerrado que contiene gases de efecto invernadero mencionados en el protocolo de Kioto.
RO: Con ine un sistem închis ermetic contra emisiei de gaze fluorine monitorizat de protocolul Kyoto.
DK: Indeholder fra Kyoto-protokollen registrerede, fluorerede drivhusgasser – hermetisk lukket system.
NO: Inneholder fluorerte drivhusgasser som omfattes av Kyotoprotokollen - hermetisk lukket system.
FI: Sisältää Kioton sopimuksen alaisia fluorattuja kasvihuonekaasuja - ilmatiiviisti suljettu järjestelmä.
11 Information label "Energy efficiency"
Maintain the legibility of all information labels.
Illegible safety information and symbols can result in
dangerous situations.
xxxx / xxxxxx
Made in Germany


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