: HOLDoff
<time> is a value in format <NRf>, it may be followed or not by a multiple and by the unit.
By default the value is expressed in second.
To the question TRIG:SEQ{2|3}:DEL?, the instrument returns the trigger delay of the main
source or the T1 pulse time according to the selected sequence.
Response format:
<measured value><NL>
value in format <NR3> expressed in second.
The TRIG:HOLD <time|MAX|MIN|UP|DOWN> command sets the inhibition time of the trigger
<time> is a value in format <NRf>, it may be followed or not by a multiple and by the unit.
By default the value is expressed in second.
To the question TRIG:HOLD?, the instrument returns the trigger Holdoff time.
Response format:
<measured value><NL>
value in format <NR3> expressed in second.
The TRIG:TYP <INFerior|SUPerior|INT|OUT> command determines the trigger type on pulse
width :
trigger on pulses of durations which are inferior (INF) or superior (SUP) to the specified
duration, or which are situated inside (INT) or outside (OUT) of the specified temporal range,
with :
INF : triggers on a pulse if its duration is less than t1
SUP : triggers on a pulse if its duration is more than t1
INT : triggers on a pulse if its duration is between t1 and t1 + d
OUT : triggers on a pulse if its duration is situated over t1 and t1 + d
To the question TRIG:TYP?, the instrument returns the trigger type on pulse width.
Response format:
Used in the Seq. 1 to 4, the TRIG:LEV <level|MAX|MIN|UP|DOWN> command sets the trigger
level of the main source.
<level> is a value in format NRf, it may be followed or not by a multiple and by the unit.
By default, the value is expressed in volt.
To the question TRIG:LEV?, the instrument returns the trigger level of the main source in
Response format:
<measured value><NL>
value in format <NR3> expressed in volt.
The TRIG:FILT:HPAS <1|0|ON|OFF> command validates or devalidates the reject of the low
frequencies associated to the main trigger source.
1|ON: activates the reject of the low frequencies (LF Reject coupling)
0|OFF: deactivates the reject of the low frequencies; the DC coupling is then
To the question TRIG:FILT:HPAS?, the instrument returns the activation status of the low
frequencies reject associated to the trigger source.
To the question TRIG:FILT:LPAS?, the instrument returns the activation status the reject of the
high frequencies associated to the trigger source.
1|ON: activates the high frequencies reject (HF Reject coupling)
0|OFF: deactivates the high frequencies reject; the DC coupling is then activated.
To the question TRIG:FILT:LPAS?, the instrument returns the activation status the reject of the
high frequencies associated to the trigger source.
The TRIG:ATRIG <1|0|ON|OFF> command validates or devalidates the automatic trigger