To the question DISP:CURS:VOLT{[1]|2}:POS?, the instrument returns the horizontal position
of the selected manual cursor.
This command acts on the manual cursors represented on the screen by the X-symbol
accompanied by an index (1, 2).
Response format:
<measured value><NL>
value in format <NR3> expressed in volt.
The DISP:TRAC:FORM <A|XY> command selects the display mode of the instrument.
A validates the Oscilloscope display mode : Y = f(t)
XY validates the XY display mode : Y = f(x)
To the question DISP:TRAC:FORM?, the instrument returns the active display mode.
The DISP:TRAC:XY:XDEF <INT{1|2|3|4}> command selects the signal positioned on the
To the question DISP:TRAC:XY:XDEF?, the instrument returns the signal used on the
The DISP:TRAC:XY:YDEF <INT{1|2|3|4}> command selects the signal positioned on the
To the question DISP:TRAC:XY:YDEF?, the instrument returns the signal used on the Y-basis.
The DISP:TRAC:MODE <NORMal|ENVelope> command selects the display mode.
NORMal validates the Vector display mode.
ENVelope validates the Envelope display mode.
To the question DISP:TRAC:MODE?, the instrument returns the active display mode.
The FORM:DINT <1|0|ON|OFF> command activates or inhibits the trace transfer in DIF
ON|1 activates the trace transfer in DIF format.
OFF|0 the trace transfer data is raw.
To the question FORM:DINT?, the device returns the activation status of the DIF format.
Response format:
DIF format:
(DIF (VERsion <year.version>)
SCALe <sample interval>
SIZE <sample no>
U N ITs "S")
SCALe <ADC step> SIZE 262144
OFFSet 393216
U N ITs "V")
DATA(CURVe (<data block>)))<NL>
<year.version> is a number in <NR2> format giving the year of the SCPI standard used and
the software version.
# : 1999.1 means that SCPI version 1999 is used. This is the first software version of the
remote control management programme.
<sample interval > is a number in <NR3> format.
It represents the time difference between two samples.
<sample no> is a number in <NR1> format.
It represents the number of samples to be transferred. It can vary from 1 to 100 000.
<ADC step> is a number in <NR3> format.
It represents the difference in volt between two consecutive values of the analogue digital
<data block> is a block containing the samples. This data comprises only the values resulting
from the analogue digital converter. This block is in the format specified by the
FORMat[:DATA] command.