11.2. Comandos específicos al instrumento
The ABOR command aborts the acquisition in progress.
If the instrument is set in the single mode, the acquisition is stopped. The instrument stays in
the starting status.
If the instrument is in continuous mode, the acquisition in progress is stopped and the following
Note : if no acquisition is running, this command has no effect.
The ARM:FILT:LPAS <1|0|ON|OFF> command validates or devalidates the high frequencies
reject associated to the trigger auxiliary source.
1|ON: activates the high frequencies reject (HF Reject coupling)
0|OFF: deactivates the high frequencies reject ; the DC coupling is then activated.
To the question ARM:FILT:LPAS?, the instrument returns the activation status of the high
frequencies reject associated to the trigger auxiliary source.
The ARM:COUP <AC|DC> command determines the coupling associated to the trigger
auxiliary source.
To the question ARM:COUP?, the instrument returns the coupling associated to the trigger
auxiliary source.
The ARM:FILT:HPAS <1|0|ON|OFF> command validates or devalidates the reject of the low
frequencies associated to the trigger auxiliary source.
1|ON: activates the reject of the low frequencies (LF Reject coupling)
0|OFF: deactivates the reject of the low frequencies; the coupling DC is then
To the question ARM:FILT:HPAS?, the instrument returns the activation status of the low
frequencies reject associated to the trigger auxiliary source.
The ARM:HYST<hysteresis> command sets the amplitude of the hysteresis which rejects the
noise associated to the trigger auxiliary source.
<hysteresis> is a value in format NR1 with following values :
0: no noise rejection, hysteresis is about 0.5 div.
3: activated noise rejection, hysteresis is about 3 div.
To the question ARM:HYST?, the instrument returns the amplitude of the hysteresis used for
the noise rejection associated to the trigger auxiliary source.
The ARM:SLOP <POSitive|NEGative> command determines the trigger front of the auxiliary
POSitive: rising front
NEGative: falling front
To the question ARM:SLOP?, the instrument returns the polarity of the trigger front of the
auxiliary source.
The ARM:SOUR <INTernal{1|2|3|4|EXTernal|EXTernal5|LINE}> command determines the
auxiliary trigger source of the instrument.
INTernal{1|2|3|4} corresponds to the trigger source (1, 2, 3, 4 channels) of the instrument on
To the question ARM:SOUR?, the instrument returns the used trigger auxiliary source.