cLeanIng anD MaIntenance
aLwaYS foLLow the InStructIonS In MaxIMuM SafetY conDItIonS!
Make sue the power cable is unplugged since the generator could be programmed to start.
That the generator is cold in its entirety.
The ashes are completely cold.
Ensure an effective exchange of air in the room during the cleaning of the product.
A poor cleaning is detrimental to the proper functioning and safety!
For correct operation, the generator must undergo routine maintenance by a qualified technician at least once a year.
The routine checks and maintenance operations must always be performed by qualified trained technicians in accordance with the applicable
regulations in force and with the instructions provided in this use and maintenance manual.
everY Year Make the exhauSt fuMeS, SMoke DuctS anD "t"-fIttIngS, IncLuDIng capS anD InSpectIon
DoorS be cLeaneD - If anY curveS anD anY horIzontaL SectIonS!
the cLeanIng of the generator freQuencY IS approxIMate! theY DepenD on the QuaLItY of the peLLetS
uSeD anD the freQuencY of uSe.
It can happen that theSe operatIonS ShouLD be perforMeD More freQuentLY.
cLeanIng anD MaIntenance bY the uSer
Routine cleaning operations, as specified in this use and maintenance manual, must be performed with the utmost care according to the
instructions, procedures and frequency intervals described in this use and maintenance manual
cLeanIng the SurfaceS anD coverIng
never use abrasive or chemically aggressive detergents for cleaning!
The surface cleaning must take place when both the generator and the coating are completely cold. For the maintenance of surfaces and
metal parts, simply use a damp cloth with water or mild soap and water.
Failure to observe the instructions may damage the surface of the generator and invalidate the warranty.
cLeanIng the ceraMIc gLaSS
never use abrasive or chemically aggressive detergents for cleaning!
The cleaning of the ceramic glass is allowed only when the latter is completely cold.
To clean the ceramic glazing, simply use a dry brush and some damp newspaper dabbed in the ash. If the glazing is very dirty, only use a
specific ceramic glazing detergent. Spray a modest amount onto a cloth and wipe the ceramic glazing.
Do not spray cleaner or any other liquid directly on the glass or on the gaskets.
Failure to observe the instructions may damage the surface of the ceramic glass and invalidate the warranty.
cLeanIng the tank peLLetS
When the tank empties completely, unplug the power cord from the generator and remove residues (dust, chips, etc..) from the tank empty,
before filling it.
Use the scrapers, moving upwards (for models with upper scrapers) or pulling and pushing them (for the inserts and models with front
please note: scrapers are preferably used when the stove is cold; if used when the stove is hot, it is recommended to use special
gloves to protect against the heat as they can get very hot.