Black and Decker LDX172 Manual De Instrucciones página 9

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ThisClass B digital apparatus complies withCanadian ICES-003.
This device c omplies withpart 1 5oftheFCC rules. O peration issubject tothefollowing
twoconditions: (1)This device m ay notcause harmful interference,
must a ccept anyinterference
received, including interference
thatmay cause undesired
NOTE: This equipment hasbeen tested a ndfound tocomply w ith thelimits fora Class B
digital device, pursuant toPart 1 5oftheFCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to
provide r easonable protection against harmful interference ina residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses andcanradiate r adio frequency energy a nd, i f not
installed andused inaccordance with theinstructions,
may cause harmful interference
radio communications.
However, there is noguarantee thatinterference wilt n otoccur i n
a particular installation.
Ifthisequipment does cause harmful interference
toradio ortelevision reception, which
canbedetermined byturning t heequipment offand on,theuser i sencouraged
correct theinterference
byone or more ofthefollowing measures:
• Reorient orrelocate thereceiving antenna.
• Increase theseparation between theequipment and receiver.
• Connect theequipment into anoutlet onacircuit different from that t owhich t hereceiver
• Consult thedealer oranexperienced
radio/TV technician forhelp.
Changes ormodifications
tothisunit n otexpressly approved bytheparty responsible
could void theuser's a uthority tooperate t heequipment. This Class Bdigital
apparatus complies withCanadian ICES-003.
AllBlack & Decker Service Centers arestaffed w ith trained p ersonnel toprovide
customers with efficient and reliable p ower toot s ervice. Whether youneed technical
advice, repair, orgenuine factory r eplacement
parts, contact theBlack & Decker location
nearest you. Tofindyour l ocal s ervice location, refer t otheyellow page directory under
"Tools i Electric" orcall: 1 -800-544-6986
Black & Decker (U.S.) Inc. w arrants thisproduct fortwo years a gainst anydefects in
material orworkmanship.
The defective product wilt b ereplaced orrepaired atnocharge
ineither oftwo ways.
The first, w hich w ilt r esult inexchanges
only, i storeturn t heproduct totheretailer from
whom itwaspurchased (provided that t hestore isaparticipating
retailer). Returns should
bemade w ithin t hetime period o ftheretailer's policy f orexchanges
(usually 30to90days
after t hesate). Proof ofpurchase may berequired. Please c heck w ith theretailer fortheir
specific return p olicy r egarding returns thatarebeyond the time setforexchanges.
The second o ption i stotake orsend theproduct (prepaid) toaBlack & Decker owned o r
authorized Service Center forrepair orreplacement
atouroption. Proof ofpurchase may
&Decker owned a nd authorized Service Centers arelisted under
intheyellow pages o fthephone d irectory.
This warranty does not a pply t oaccessories.
This warranty gives y ouspecific legal rights
and youmay have other r ights w hich v ary from state tostate orprovince toprovince.
Should y ouhave any questions, contact themanager ofyour n earest Black & Decker
Service Center. This product isnotintended forcommercial
If your warning labels become illegible or are
missing, call 1-800-544-6986
for a free replacement.
LATIN AMERICA: This warranty does not apply to products sold in Latin America. For
products sold in Latin America, check country specific warranty information contained in
the packaging, call the local company or see the website for warranty information.
Imported by
See 'Tools-
Black & Decker (U.S.) Inc.,
701 E. Joppa Rd.
Towson, MD 21286 U.S.A.
for Service &