H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
owning organization engages to check at reasonable intervals if
the machine is operated by the welders as intended and under
proper guidelines of occupational safety.
• The machine must be operated only when in proper state of repair
and for one of the intended uses. Before welding, the welder is
required to make sure that the state of the machine is in order.
During transport, the facing tool and the heating element
have to be placed into the provided carrying rack at all times.
Intended Use
The Butt-Welding Machine is intended exclusively for joining plastic
pipes and fittings according to the butt-welding process with heating
element. See Section 3 for a detailed overview of the welding process
enabled by this machine.
The notion of intended use also includes:
• Compliance with the instructions in the User's Manual
• Observation of all service and maintenance intervals
All uses other than those mentioned above are not allowed
and will cancel any and all liability or warranty by the manu-
facturer. Unintended use may cause considerable hazards and
material damage.
Warranty claims may be raised only if the conditions for warranty
given in the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery obtain.
Transport and Storage
The box in which the product arrives should also be used for storage as
a protection against humidity. During transport or storage in the box,
the hydraulic tubing should not be detached or squeezed. The pipe
facing tool and heating element have to be transported in the provided
carrying rack.
Identifying the Product
Every product is identified by a name plate. It shows the model ("Typ"),
the serial number ("Maschinennr."), and the manufacturer. The first
two digits of the serial number represent the year of manufacture.
Understanding the Machine
This butt-welding machine for plastics can be used both as an on-site
and as a workshop installation, for jointing operations pipe-to-pipe,
but also for processing tees and elbows (see also the first paragraphs
of Sect. 4.3 for more detailed information on this).
Version October 2020
HÜRNER Manual Hydr. 250 User's Manual
Butt Fusion Welding Device
Type: Manual Mini Hydraulic
Ser. No.: 16856614
Input: 230V 50/60 Hz IP54 5,4kW
Hyd.-Oil Type: HF-E 15 Shell naturelle
Manufacturer: HÜRNER Schweisstechnik GmbH
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke (Germany)
Ph.: +49 6401 9127-0 Fx: -39