Heating element not hot
Thermal fuse burned out Thermal fuse defective
I'm not getting a suffi-
ciently dense product
I'm not getting a suffi-
ciently hot product
Heating element burned out
Thermal fuse burned out
The temperature of the
service thermostat (located on
the side of the distributor) is
set too low
Product excessively diluted
The temperature of the
service thermostat (located on
the side of the distributor) is
set too low
The bottom of the tub is not
touching the heating element
R e p l a c e t h e h e a t i n g
Adjust it to a suitable
Replace with a good one
A d j u s t i t t o a s u i t a b l e
Increase the concentration
of the product
A d j u s t i t t o a s u i t a b l e
Position the tub on the
heating element correctly