A non-Display Keypad will indicate that the opening of the lock has failed if an opening is attempted with
the Remote Disable asserted. The Keypad will produce 3 low beeps accompanied by 3 red LED flashes
3.7 Change Combination
3.7.1 Change Combination – Display Keypad
Follow these steps to change a User combination on a Display Keypad:
For Master/Manager Users changing another User's combination, do the following:
Enter an Authorized User ID and Combination.
2. From the Keypad display Main Menu, select "Users", then select "Edit".
3. Enter the ID of the User whose combination will be changed.
4. Select "Reset Combo"
5. Enter the New Combination.
6. Confirm the New Combination.
"Success combo reset" will appear on screen. The Keypad will produce 3 high beeps and flash a green LED.
The new combination is set and will be in effect the next time the User enters their combination.
For a User changing their own combination, do the following:
Enter an Authorized User ID and Combination.
2. From the Keypad display Main Menu, select "Change combo".
3. "New Combo" appears on screen. Input a new combination with the number pad.
Note: The new Combination must be different from the old Combination. The User is advised to use a
non-trivial combination.
4. "Confirm" appears on screen. Input the same combination from the previous step to confirm.
"Success" will appear on screen. The Keypad will beep three times with a green LED and return to the
Enter ID menu once complete. The new combination is set and will be in effect the next time the User
enters their combination.
3.7.2 Change Combination – Non-Display Keypad
Follow these steps to change a User Combination on a non-Display Keypad:
For Master/Manager Users changing another User's combination, do the following:
Using the Keypad, input #57 + Authorized User ID and Combination + User ID and new Combination +
User ID and new Combination again + <return key> (←).
2. The Keypad will beep three times and flash a green LED once complete. The new combination is set and
will be in effect the next time the User enters their combination.
Note: If the Force Change Rule is turned on, the user must change their combination on first use after
being added or reset.
For a User changing their own combination, do the following:
dormakaba USA Inc. System User Guide 7040.1121 Rev E2 10/22 | 35