Cleaning And Maintenance Of The Oven's Front Door Glass
Remove the profile by pressing the plastic latches on both left and right sides
as shown in figure 24 and pulling the profile towards yourself as shown in
figure 25. Then remove the inner-glass as shown in figure 26. If required,
middle glass can be removed in the same way. After cleaning and maintenance
are done, remount the glasses and the profile in reverse order. Make sure the
profile is properly seated in its place.
Figure 24
Changing The Oven Lamp
WARNING: To avoid electric shock, ensure that the appliance circuit is open
before changing the lamp. (having circuit open means power is off) First
disconnect the power of appliance and ensure that appliance is cold.
Remove the glass protection by turning as indicated in the figure on the left
side. If you have difficulty in turning, then using plastic gloves will help you in
Then remove the lamp by turning, install the new lamp with same
Reinstall glass protection, plug the power cable of appliance into electrical socket
and complete replacement. Now you can use your oven.
Type G9 Lamp
220-240 V, AC
15-25 W
Figure 27
Figure 25
Type E14 Lamp
Figure 26
220-240 V, AC
15 W
Figure 28