Futurelight PHS-150 Manual Del Usuario página 43

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Control-channel 5 - Static gobo-wheel, gobo shake
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 9
00 09
0% 4%
10 19
0A 13
4% 7%
20 29
14 1D
8% 11%
30 39
1E 27
12% 15%
40 49
28 31
16% 19%
50 59
32 3B
20% 23%
60 69
3C 45
24% 27%
70 89
46 59
27% 35%
90 109
5A 6D
35% 43%
110 129
6E 81
43% 51%
130 149
82 95
51% 58%
150 169
96 A9
59% 66%
170 189 AA BD
67% 74%
190 255 BE FF
75% 100%
Control-channel 6 - Rotating gobo index, gobo rotation
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 127
00 7F
0% 50%
128 187
80 BB
50% 73%
188 193 BC C1
74% 76%
194 255
76% 100%
Control-channel 7 - Shutter, strobe
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 31
00 1F
0% 12%
32 63
20 3F
13% 25%
64 95
40 5F
25% 37%
96 127
60 7F
38% 50%
128 159
80 9F
50% 62%
160 191
63% 75%
192 223
75% 87%
224 255
88% 100%
Control-channel 8 - Switching the lamp, Reset, internal programs
Decimal Hexad. Percentage S/F
0 15
00 0F
0% 6%
16 31
10 1F
6% 12%
32 47
20 2F
13% 18%
48 63
30 3F
19% 25%
64 79
40 4F
25% 31%
80 95
50 5F
31% 37%
96 111
60 6F
38% 44%
112 127
70 7F
44% 50%
128 143
80 8F
50% 56%
144 159
90 9F
56% 62%
160 175
63% 69%
176 191
69% 75%
192 207
75% 81%
208 223
82% 87%
224 239
88% 94%
240 255
94% 100%
Control-channel 9 - Pan-movement with 16 Bit-resolution
Control-channel 10 - Tilt-movement with 16 Bit-resolution
S Open
S Gobo 1
S Gobo 2
S Gobo 3
S Gobo 4
S Gobo 5
S Gobo 6
F Gobo 1 shake with increasing speed
F Gobo 2 shake with increasing speed
F Gobo 3 shake with increasing speed
F Gobo 4 shake with increasing speed
F Gobo 5 shake with increasing speed
F Gobo 6 shake with increasing speed
F Cont. gobo-wheel rotation with increasing speed
F Gobo indexing
F Forwards gobo rotation with decreasing speed
S No rotation
F Backwards gobo rotation with increasing speed
S Shutter closed
S Dimmer control activated 0 - 100 %
F Strobe-effect with increasing speed (max. 10 flashes/sec.)
S No function (shutter open)
F Pulse-effect in sequences
S No function (shutter open)
F Random strobe-effect with increasing speed
S No function (shutter open)
S Normal colour-change, search position via shortest distance
S Normal colour-change, search position clockwise
S Colour-change at every position, search position via shortest distance
S Colour-change at every position, search position clockwise
S Lamp on
S Reset
S Internal program 1
S Internal program 2
S Internal program 3
S Internal program 4
S Internal program 5
S Internal program 6
S Internal program 7
S Internal program 8
S Lamp off
S No function
00026934.DOC, Version 1.6