Fluid measurement
Thopaz + calculates the fluid amount from the fluid level in the canister and in regard to the
attached canister size. The fluid level in the canister gets detected by capacitive coupling.
For a valid fluid measurement Thopaz + needs to stay within a tolerance of 10 ° vertical (upright)
and the canister must contain a minimal fluid amount of:
Thopaz canister without solidifier
30 ml in a 0.3 l canister
50 ml in a 0.8 l canister
If these conditions are not fulfilled the fluid values appear in grey with a crossed out fluid symbol
]. Additionally a Thopaz + out of axis symbol [
] appears on the action bar. No additional fluid can be measured in this status. The grey fluid
values show the last measured fluid values.
This type of fluid measurement allows a measurement accuracy of +/- 15 ml in a 0.3 l canister,
+/- 40 ml in a 0.8 l canister and +/- 100 ml in a 2.0 l canister (corresponding to +/- 5 % of the
canister volume).
Thopaz + displays the fluid values in a 0.3 l canister in 1 ml steps, in a 0.8 l canister in 5 ml steps
and in a 2.0 l canister in 10 ml steps. After a total drainage amount of 5000 ml and more the
display will switch to liter (l). Thopaz + will display fluid values in 0.01 l steps (equals 10 ml steps)
Thopaz + calculates the fluid measurement according the fluid level in the respective canister.
Movement of Thopaz + can cause fluids to temporary cover the canister walls. A potential fluid
film covering the canister wall can result in temporary higher fluid volume read out displayed on
the screen. Also foam formation in the canister can result in higher fluid volume read out
displayed on the screen. All Thopaz canisters (079.0011; 079.0012; 079.0016; 079.0017; 079.0018;
079.0019) are equipped with one or two simethicone capsules containing 720 mg simethicone
each (see chapter 4 – Overview). Simethicone prevents foam formation and the coverage of fluid
films on the canister wall.
Safety related tip
The simethicone capsule requires 60 min of submersion for full effect.
Safety related tip
For most accurate fluid measurement place or keep Thopaz + on the docking station
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Additional information
Thopaz canister with solidifier
40 ml in a 0.3 l canister
70 ml in a 0.8 l canister
200 ml in a 2.0 l canister
] or a Thopaz + not enough fluid symbol