6. Recommended maintenance
1. Every day:
Recharge the battery after discharge.
Remember never charge an Ex battery in a zoned area
even if approved charging equipment is available.
Always check that the charger is operating correctly.
Check the electrolyte levels at the end of charge and top up
if necessary ( respect max level). The correct level is to the
top of the level indicator.
Perfect Plus
If too much water is added, the expansion during recharge
will cause the electrolyte to overflow, therefore weakening the
strength of the electrolyte. If insufficient water is added the top
of the plates will be come exposed, reducing the performance
and life of the battery.
Use approved distilled or demineralised water only.
The 'Standard' of purity of water required for topping up is
given in IEC 62877-1:2016.
Suppliers of topping up water, topping up devices or automatic
water filling systems can be obtained from your local supplier
or service depot. Note that topping up water must only be held
in and dispensed from non-metallic containers.
Never top up with acid. Should it be felt that an acid adjustment
is required, please consult your local service depot.
2. Weekly:
Please note any cells that are taking too much or too
little water, if this occurs please contact your local
service depot.
Check all connections and take off leads for any frayed or
worn insulation. If frayed wires or worn insulation is
noted take the battery out of service immediately and
place in a safe area that is outside the zoned area. Do not
attempt to repair a Ex battery. Call your local service
Water Less topping up intervals
PzM Variant
4 Weeks
PzM/PzMB plus 50Hz
8 Weeks
PzM/PzMB plus HF
13 Weeks
PzM/PzMB plus EC*** & HF
80% DOD, 5 operating days per week, and average battery temperatures of 20°C
+/- 1 week in the most common applications at 20°C
this number of cycles can be reduced if operating 3 shift and with high battery temperatures!
Electrolyte Circulation
4. Annually
In accordance with EN 1175-1 at least once per year, the
insulation resistance of the truck and the battery must be
checked by an electrical specialist. The tests on the insulation
resistance of the battery must be conducted in accordance
with EN 1987 part1. The insulation resistance of the battery
thus determined must not be below a value of 50Ω per Volt of
nominal voltage, in compliance with EN 62485-3. For batteries
up to 120V nominal voltage the minimum value is 1000Ω.
Check that all insulators and vent plugs are in place and
that the battery plugs are of sound condition.
Ensure that the top of the battery is clean and dry. Dirt and
moisture can provide tracking paths for the electricity and
potentially cause a spark in a zoned area. Should there be any
corrosion of the metal container, scrape this off and neutralise
the area with a solution of water and baking soda, or diluted
ammonia, and protect the part from further corrosion by
painting it with acid proof paint.
3. Monthly:
At the end of the charge the voltages of all cells should be
measured with the charger switched on, and recorded.
After charging has been completed, the electrolyte density,
electrolyte temperature as well as the filling level of all cells
are to be measured and recorded. If significant changes
from earlier measurements or differences between the cells
are found further testing and maintenance by the service
department should be requested. This should be done
following a complete charge and minimum of 2 hours rest
Measure and record:
total voltage
voltage per cell
if the voltage readings are irregular, also check the S.G. of
each cell
If significant changes from earlier measurements or differences
between the cells or bloc batteries are found, please contact
EnerSys Service.
If the discharge time of the battery is not sufficient, check:
That the work required is compatible with the battery
The settings of the charger
The settings of the discharge limiter.
Perfect Plus and Water Less
Perfect Plus
Check the electrolyte level and top up if necessary
(respect maximum level according to drawing above).
Water topping up intervals*
1 shift operation
20 Cycles (4 weeks)
40 Cycles (8 weeks)
65 Cycles (13 weeks)
Proceed to the maintenance, including the measurement
of electrolyte S.G. at the end of charge. The filter of the air
pump has to be checked during the annual maintenance and
eventually to be cleaned or replaced. Earlier replacement of
the filter is necessary if, for undefined reasons (no leaks in the
air pipes) the defect signal of the air mixing system on the
charger or on the battery (on DC air pump or remote signal) is
illuminated. During the annual maintenance, check the correct
operation of. the air pump.
Water Less
Larger electrolyte
Reduced prism
3 shift operation**
20 Cycles (2 weeks)
40 Cycles (5 weeks)
65 Cycles (8 weeks)