With this technique, sawing occurs with the upper edge of the saw rail from below upwards. The
saw chain thus pushes the device backwards towards the user. If the saw rail twists, the device can
fly towards the user with great force.
If the user does not balance out the force of the saw chain pushing backwards with his or her bodily
force, there is a danger that only the tip of the saw rail will make contact with the wood and there
will thus be a rebound ( Risk of rebound! ).
Felling a tree
Risk of injury!
Felling and delimbing work may only
be performed by trained people!
There is a risk of fatal injuries!
Before beginning the felling work, make sure that:
• there are no people or animals in the fell- ing area of the tree.
• there is an obstacle-free escape route for each participant. A retreat occurs diago- nally counter
to the felling direction.
• the area around the trunk is free of obsta- cles (risk of stumbling!).
• the next workplace is at least two and a half tree lengths away. Before felling, the felling direction
of the tree must be checked and it must be ensured that there are no objects, people or animals in a
distance of 2 1/2 tree lengths.