The Fascia-ReleaZer
treatment devices.
The device must only be used for the purpose for which it is designed and in the
manner specified in the instructions for use. Improper use can be dangerous. The
manufacturer is not liable for damage resulting from improper or careless use.
Use the Fascia-ReleaZer
• Not with changes caused by disease or injury in the back region (e.g. disc pro-
blems, open wounds),
• not during pregnancy,
• never while you sleep,
• not in the car,
• not on animals,
• not during activities during which an unexpected reaction may be dangerous,
• not while ingesting substances that reduce reaction times (e.g. painkiller me-
dications, alcohol),
ever longer than 15 minutes (risk of overheating) and allow it to cool off
• n
for at least 15 minutes
Please consult your doctor if you are unsure whether or not the Fascia-ReleaZer
is suitable for you.
You should consult your doctor before using the Fascia-ReleaZer
ou suffer from a serious illness or are recovering from an operation,
• y
ou suffer from any of the following: common cold accompanied by a fever,
• y
varicose veins, thrombosis,
diseases (e.g. sciatica) or acute inflammations.
• you are fitted with a cardiac pacemaker, implant or other aid,
• in case of pains of unclarified origin.
and the attachments are not medical devices, but massage
and the attachments
efore using it again.
hlebitis, jaundice, diabetes, nervous system