4. Features
TURBINE Ti-940L is manufactured from the best materials, with a meticulous fi nish, a pleasant design and reliable performance. The products fi nd
wide applications in dental treatment.
The cartridge design in structure according to international standard is assembled with the well-known brand bearings and the spindle system with
run-out less than 0.008 and is accurately balanced for reliable rotation at high speed.
The patented TURBINE Ti-940L chucking system (Patent No.ZL2013 20057567.3) maintains more than 30N retention and a bur can be fi rmly
chucked with accurate positioning.
TURBINE Ti-940L features quiet and vibration-free operation and o er a long service life and outstanding cutting e ciency.
TURBINE Ti-940L is designed with alternative to solid titanium body, brass body and stainless steel body to meet better user's requirements. The
solid titanium body with non-allergic and biocompatible properties and in weight -- 30% less, more durable than the stainless steel or brass, and
water-drop pattern on the body is to further improve grippable surface for maximum security in operation.
TURBINE Ti-940L o ers head design with a 90° head angle or a 105° head angle for the user's alternative. Nozzle spray mode with 3-port or 4-port
with requiring water amount more than 50 ml/min will o er e ective cooling to the entire operation fi eld.