that the battery is present, it will return to the state it was in prior to the forcing.
Shut down main output: Switching off of the main output for 5 seconds. This process can only be carried
out when AC power is present, and no two such forcings can be performed with less than 5 minutes between
them. Once the 5 seconds have elapsed, the device restarts.
Device Reset: Forces a reset of the device.
Force factory values: Resets the configuration values to default values.
LEDs and Relays Activation: Clicking ON will switch all the LEDs on and close all the relays, and clicking
OFF will turn them off. To return to normal operation, click on Exit or wait 20 seconds.
"Input AC failure" relay: Clicking ON will close the relay; click Exit to return to normal operation. After 30
seconds, it will also automatically exit the forcing.
"End of Autonomy" relay: Clicking ON will close the relay; click Exit to return to normal operation. After
30 seconds, it will also automatically exit the forcing.
"Non Urgent Failure" relay: Clicking ON will close the relay; click Exit to return to normal operation. After
30 seconds, it will also automatically exit the forcing.
"Urgent Failure" relay: Clicking ON will close the relay; click Exit to return to normal operation. After 30
seconds, it will also automatically exit the forcing.
NOTE: Given that the forcings have restrictions, there may be doubts about whether a forcing has been discarded
or not. So, to check the result of a forcing, it is necessary to access the history page (see section 2.5 History)
and verify that it has been recorded.
In Table 2.7, the codes related to these events can be searched.
3.6.4 N
The NETWORK page (see Figure 2.23) allows you to search for and modify all the parameters related to the
device's communications.
To apply the changes, the process is the same as that which is described in point 2.6.2:
1. Change any fields on the form that you want to change
Powering Your Challenge
Figure 3.23 - Network in administration mode
EPS Series
Communications' Operation Manual