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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion 2020 Service in Motion GAS SPRINGS GASDRUCKFEDERN RESSORTS À GAZ CILINDRI AD AZOTO RESORTES DE GAS CILINDROS DE GÁS...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AZOLGAS WORLDWIDE CANADA MEXICO ARGENTINA BRAZIL ECUADOR PERU...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SELECTION GUIDE Ø SERIES MODEL STANDARD Page 3000 3000 Ø Pmax Ø25 10 - 80 62 - 205 MINI AG 150 Ø32 12.7 - 125 75.4 - 300 ✔ ✔ AG 250 Ø38 13 - 125 76 - 300...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion INDEX 1-BENEFITS_______________________________________________ ______ Page VIII 2-OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS_______________________________ ______ Page X 3-HOW TO USE THE CATALOGUE_____________________________ ______ Page XVI 4-MOUNTING GUIDELINES___________________________________ ______ Page XX 5-COLOR CODE___________________________________________ ______ Page XXXVI 6-HOSED SYSTEMS________________________________________ ______ Page XXXVIII 7-SAFETY-VDI______________________________________________ ______ Page XL...
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VIII www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion BENEFITS ENG Reduction of surface area used, height, and volume occupied. DEU Beansprucht weniger Nutzfläche, Höhe und Raum. FRA Réduction de la surface occupée, de l'espace en hauteur, et du volume total occuupée.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion BENEFITS ENG Always the same force on each contact point. Forces may be positioned exactly where required. System may be continually pressure monitored. DEU Immer ausgeglichene und gleichförmige Kraft an allen Kontaktpunkten. Die angewandte Kraft ist für die exakte Stelle des Gesenks einstellbar.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ENG Charge only with NITROGEN (N The use of other types of gas can result in high safety risks, failure of gas springs and personal injury DEU Gasdruckfedern dürfen nur mit Stickstoff befüllt werden. Der Gebrauch eines anderen Füllmediums als Stickstoff birgt Sicherheitsrisiken, Fehlfunktionen der Gasdruckfedern und Gefahr für Personenschaden...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ENG When discharging a gas spring point the gas flow away from operator or anybody else. Use the appropriate tools and equipment when handling gas springs. DEU Beim Entladen Ventil nicht auf Personen richten. Angemessene Werkzeuge und Ausrüstungen sind bei der Wartung der Gasdruckfedern zu benutzen.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ENG Do not exceed the maximum allowed stroke speed. Maximum allowed cycles per minute should never be exceeded. DEU Die maximal zulässige Kolbengeschwindigkeit ist nicht zu überschreiten. Die maximale Hubfrequenz sollte nicht überschritten werden. FRA Ne dépassez pas la vitesse maximale de course autorisée.
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XIII www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ENG When the gas springs are installed into a bored pocket, the bored pocket diameter should not exceed 1mm larger than the gas spring body diameter. And the bore pocket depth must be minimum 80% of L. DEU Werden Gasdruckfedern in einer Vertiefung eingebaut, sollte der Bohrungsdurchmesser nur 1 mm grösser als der Federdurchmesser sein.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ENG Protect the gas springs from solid or liquid contaminants. Provide adequate drainage in gas springs pockets. DEU Schützen Sie die Gasdruckfedern vor Kontakt mit festen oder flüssigen Verschmutzungen. Bei Einbau in Vertiefungen müssen Drainage-Kanäle eingebracht werden.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ENG Gas springs maintenance must be carried out only by skilled personnel, with the appropriate training, and always following the operating and service instructions from Azolgas. DEU Die Wartung an den Gasdruckfedern darf ausschließlich von geschulten Mitarbeitern durchgeführt werden.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion HOW TO USE THE CATALOGUE www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion FD 1500 V2 RENAULT EM24.54.700 Low Profile Ø36 ORDER ±0,25 (mm) (mm) (mm) FD 1500 025 V2 1.94 FD 1500 032 V2 2.04 FD 1500 038 V2 2.13...
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XVIII www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion HOW TO USE THE CATALOGUE www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion FD 1500 V2 MOUNTS Low Profile Ø75 Ø75 Ø75 Ø75 Ø75 Ø75 Ø L1=145 L1=154 L1=159 L1=185 L1=175 L1=210 L1=160 L1=195...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES ENG ORDER Ø DEU BESTELLUNG FRA COMMANDE ORDINE Ø ESP PEDIDO POR PEDIDO TYPE MODEL Ø MOUNT SAFETY GUIDELINES ● Mount installation is critical to achieve safety working performance of gas springs. ●...
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XXII www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES DROP-IN ENG DROP-IN MOUNTING Protect the gas springs from solid or liquid DEU EINBAU IN KAVERNE contaminants. FRA MONTAGE DANS POCHE MONTAGGIO NELLA SEDE Provide adequate drainage in gas springs pockets. ESP MONTAJE EN CAJERA POR FIXAÇÃO NO ALOJAMENTO ØB...
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XXIII www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES INCIDENT Groove Gas springs must be firmly fastened at all the time, If significant side-load push gas spring against one special attention is required when installed into a bored side of the groove, the gas springs are constantly pocket (groove).
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XXIV www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES SCREWS ENG SCREWS MOUNTING Do not use the piston rod threaded hole for fixing the DEU BEFESTIGUNG MIT SCHRAUBEN gas spring into the tool. FRA MONTAGE AVEC VIS MONTAGGIO CON VITI This hole is only to be used for maintenance operations.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES THREAD LENGTH Steel = min. 1,5 x D Casting = min. 2 x D The screws must keep a thread length of: -thread diameter x1,5 if fixed in steel -thread diameter x2 if fixed in casting WASHERS Safety Washer...
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XXVI www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES MOUNT TYPE A ENG UPPER ROUND GROOVE FLANGE Do not use mounts type A when the mounting screws DEU BUNDFLANSCH have to support the full compression force of the gas FRA COLLERETTE POUR GORGE RONDE SUPÉRIEURE spring.
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XXVII www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES Mount fitting sequence type A: When threading the screws follow the steps as shown -STEP 1: insert the inferior part on the pictures, with a progressive torque on each -STEP 2: place the locking ring screw.
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XXVIII www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES MOUNT TYPE B ENG BOTTOM MOUNT PLATE When using mounts type B the base must be supported DEU BODENBEFESTIGUNGSPLATTE at all the times to avoid full compression force of the FRA PLAQUE FIXATION INFÉRIEURE gas spring being transferred through the mounting BASE INFERIORE DI FISSAGGIO...
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XXIX www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES THREAD LENGTH Steel = min. 1,5 x D Casting = min. 2 x D The screws must keep a thread length of: -thread diameter x1,5 if fixed in steel -thread diameter x2 if fixed in casting WASHERS Safety...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES MOUNT TYPE C ENG LOWER SQUARE GROOVE FLANGE When using mounts type C the base must be supported DEU FUSSFLANSCH at all the times to avoid full compression force of the FRA FLASQUE-BRIDE POUR GORGE CARRÉE INFÉRIEURE gas spring being transferred through the mounting SEMI-FLANGIA PER SCANALATURA QUADRATA INFERIORE...
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XXXI www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES MOUNT TYPE D ENG SUPPORT MOUNT Do not use mounts type D when the mounting screws DEU KLEMMFLANSCH have to support the full compression force of the gas FRA SUPPORT AVANT spring.
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XXXII www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES MOUNT TYPE A MOUNT / MOUNT MOUNT / GAS SPRING MOUNT / TOOL MOUNT THREAD TORQUE(Nm) THREAD TORQUE(Nm) THREAD TORQUE(Nm) A14-012 M5 (x2) M6 (x2) A59-012 M3 (x4) M6 (x2) A14-015 M4 (x2) M6 (x2)
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XXXIII www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES MOUNT TYPE B MOUNT / MOUNT MOUNT / GAS SPRING MOUNT / TOOL MOUNT THREAD TORQUE(Nm) THREAD TORQUE(Nm) THREAD TORQUE(Nm) B76-038 M6 (x2) M6 (x4) B21-045 M8 (x2) M8 (x4) B36-045 M8 (x2) M8 (x4)
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XXXIV www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES MOUNT TYPE B MOUNT / MOUNT MOUNT / GAS SPRING MOUNT / TOOL MOUNT THREAD TORQUE(Nm) THREAD TORQUE(Nm) THREAD TORQUE(Nm) B36-120 M10 (x4) M12 (x4) B41-120 M10 (x4) M12 (x4) B43-120 M10 (x4) M12 (x2)
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XXXV www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MOUNTING GUIDELINES MOUNT TYPE C MOUNT / MOUNT MOUNT / GAS SPRING MOUNT / TOOL MOUNT THREAD TORQUE(Nm) THREAD TORQUE(Nm) THREAD TORQUE(Nm) C15-020 M6 (x4) C05-032 M6 (x4) C20-032 M6 (x4) C05-038 M6 (x4) C20-038...
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XXXVI www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion COLOR CODE: MINI GAS SPRINGS 3000 3000 3000 3000 AFB V2 AFH V1 COLOR COLOR Green Green AFB 13 050 V2 AFH 18 050 V1 Blue 1305 Blue 1015 AFB 25 050 V2 AFH 35 050 V1 1960 1450...
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XXXVII www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion COLOR CODE: MINI GAS SPRINGS ORDER EXAMPLE 3000 3000 AFB V2 COLOR www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AFB V2 Mini Ø6 Green CODE ±0,25 AFB 13 050 V2 (mm) (mm) (mm)
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AG 750 B8 3180 220 000 001 GM XXXVIII 39D 878 www.azolgas.com 20ºC 20ºC Ø20 > Vmax [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion (±5%) (±5%) 100 120 140 160 180 Ø25 ( bar ) SELF-CONTAINED AND HOSED ( bar ) S≥160 3000 3000...
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XXXIX www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SELF-CONTAINED AND HOSED SELF-CONTAINED OR HOSED GAS SPRINGS 3000 3000 3000 3000 CODE 3000 3000 bar psi AG 750 050 150 2175 740 1100 3000 3000 AG-H 750 050 - - - - - - 3000 3000...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SAFETY-VDI GAS SPRINGS EQUIPPED WITH VDI-SAFETY SAFETY-VDI a b c www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 1500 BMW B2 4006 FORD W-DX35-6203 PSA E24.54.815.G B8 3180 220 000 001 GM 90.25.00 RENAULT EM24.54.700 MODEL...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SAFETY-VDI > S OVER-STROKE SYSTEM WARNING IN REPAIR OPERATIONS: Once the gas spring is fully discharged, push down the piston rod by hand, never using a tool. In some gas springs series, should the piston rod is pushed down over the nominal stroke (S) the over-stroke safety device would be activated.
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G1/8” Ø20 AGB-H XLII www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion REPAIR KIT KIT C-XXXXXXX www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 SEAL Service in Motion AGB-H 750 KIT S-XXXXXXX RENAULT EM24.54.700 Ø25 S≥160 ORDER ±0,25 (mm) (mm) (mm) NC.060.10.00750.050 AGB-H 750 012 12.7 120.4 107.7...
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90 110 130 XLIII www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion REPAIR KIT HOW TO ORDER KIT REPAIR (OLD VERSION) www.azolgas.es CUSTOMIZED SERVICE FOR YOUR GLOBAL MARKET [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Fax. +34 945290381 C05-050 www.azolgas.com C20-050 E24.54.815.G EM24.54.700/F [email protected] Service in Motion 4 x Ø9...
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XLIV www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MARKING GAS SPRING VDI-SAFETY a b c >15 NC.060.10.10000.300 AG 10000 300 215025247 VDI-SAFETY KIT-05JC000-222 a b c >15 TEST - 344 bar 0053 NC.060.10.10000.300 Vol. 7.58L AG 10000 300 Made in Spain (EU) 215025247 PMAX 150 bar/2175 psi N2 at 20ºC KIT-05JC000-222...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MARKING GAS SPRING VDI-SAFETY VDI-SAFETY a b c a b c >15 >15 NC.060.10.10000.300 NC.060.10.10000.300 AG 10000 300 AG 10000 300 215025247 215025247 KIT-05JC000-222 KIT-05JC000-222 TEST - 344 bar TEST - 344 bar 0053 0053 Vol.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion MINI Ø Pmax Charge Port MODEL Ø 3000 3000 ✔ Ø25 10 - 80 62 - 205 GGS M Ø32 Ø32 Ø32 Ø32 Ø32 Ø32 Ø32 Ø L1=80 L1=87 L1=92 L1=90 L1=100 L1=89 L1=100 L1=105...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion BMW B2 4006 E24.54.815.G B8 3180 220 000 002 Mini 39D 878 Ø12 ORDER ±0,25 (mm) (mm) (mm) AFC --- 010 0.16 GGS M ----- 010 AFC --- 015 0.17 ISO 11901 GGS M ----- 015 AFC --- 025 0.19...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AFC MOUNTS Mini A44-025 4 x Ø6,75 Ø50 21,5 SEAL KIT S-XXXXXXX NC.060.10.00750.050 AG 750 050 215025247 CARTRIDGE 97/23CE art.3.3 NC.060.10.00750.050 XXXXXXX. KIT C-XXXXXXX AG 750 050 Made in Spain (EU) 215025247 MAX 150 bar / 2175 psi N2 97/23CE art.3.3 www.azolgas.com...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion Ø Pmax Charge Port MODEL Ø 3000 3000 AG 150 ✔ ✔ Ø32 12.7 - 125 75.4 - 300 GGS I 00150 AG 250 ✔ ✔ Ø38 13 - 125 76 - 300 GGS I 00250 AG 500 ✔...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 150 BMW B2 4006 E24.54.815.G B8 3180 220 000 001 GM 90.25.00 RENAULT EM24.54.700 39D 878 Ø12 ORDER ±0.25 (mm) (mm) (mm) AG 150 012 12.7 75.4 62.7 0.28 GGS I 00150 012 AG 150 025 ISO 11901 0.32...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 150 MOUNTS A34-032 C20-032 E24.54.815.G EM24.54.700/F 4 x Ø7 4 x Ø7 D02-032 2 x Ø9 22,5 SEAL KIT S-XXXXXXX NC.060.10.00750.050 AG 750 050 215025247 CARTRIDGE 97/23CE art.3.3 NC.060.10.00750.050 XXXXXXX. KIT C-XXXXXXX AG 750 050 Made in Spain (EU) 215025247...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 250 BMW B2 4006 FORD W-DX35-6203 PSA E24.54.815.G 90.25.00 RENAULT EM24.54.700 39D 878 NISSAN K32S0 Ø16 ORDER ±0.25 (mm) (mm) (mm) AG 250 013 0.40 GGS I 00250 012 AG 250 025 ISO 11901 0.45 12,5...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 250 MOUNTS A34-038 B76-038 4 x Ø7 8 x Ø11 8 x Ø7 D02-038 C20-038 E24.54.815.G E24.54.815.G EM24.54.700/F 2 x Ø9 4 x Ø7 59 77 27,5 SEAL KIT S-XXXXXXX NC.060.10.00750.050 AG 750 050 215025247 CARTRIDGE...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 500 BMW B2 4006 E24.54.815.G B8 3180 220 000 001 GM 90.25.00 RENAULT EM24.54.700 39D 878 NISSAN K32S0 Ø20 ORDER ±0.25 (mm) (mm) (mm) AG 500 025 0.91 GGS I 00500 025 AG 500 050 ISO 11901 16,5...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 500 MOUNTS A34-045 B76-045 E24.54.815.G 4 x Ø9 20 12 6 x Ø15 4 x Ø9 2 x M10 C20-045 D02-045 E24.54.815.G EM24.54.700/F 2 x Ø9 4 x Ø9 64 82 100 SEAL KIT S-XXXXXXX NC.060.10.00750.050...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 750 BMW B2 4006 FORD W-DX35-6203 PSA E24.54.815.G B8 3180 220 000 001 GM 90.25.00 RENAULT EM24.54.700 39D 878 NISSAN K32S0 Ø25 ORDER ±0.25 (mm) (mm) (mm) AG 750 025 1.22 GGS I 00750 025 17,5 AG 750 050...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 750 MOUNTS A34-050 B76-050 E24.54.815.G EM24.54.700/F 4 x Ø9 S56,5 20 12 6 x Ø15 4 x Ø9 S56,5 2 x M10 C20-050 D02-050 E24.54.815.G E24.54.815.G EM24.54.700/F EM24.54.700/F 2 x Ø9 4 x Ø9 90 110 130 S56,5...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 1500 BMW B2 4006 FORD W-DX35-6203 PSA E24.54.815.G B8 3180 220 000 001 GM 90.25.00 RENAULT EM24.54.700 39D 878 NISSAN K32S0 Ø36 ORDER ±0.25 (mm) (mm) (mm) AG 1500 025 2.99 GGS I 01500 025 AG 1500 050 ISO 11901...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 1500 MOUNTS A34-075 B76-075 E24.54.815.G EM24.54.700/F 4 x Ø11 20 15 S73,5 4 x Ø9 4 x Ø15 4 x Ø18 4 x Ø11 S100 S73,5 S28,3 C20-075 D02-075 E24.54.815.G E24.54.815.G EM24.54.700/F EM24.54.700/F 2 x Ø11...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 3000 BMW B2 4006 FORD W-DX35-6203 PSA E24.54.815.G B8 3180 220 000 001 GM 90.25.00 RENAULT EM24.54.700 39D 878 NISSAN K32S0 Ø50 S≥160 ORDER ±0.25 (mm) (mm) (mm) AG 3000 025 5.14 GGS I 03000 025 AG 3000 050...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 3000 MOUNTS A34-095 B76-095 EM24.54.700/F 4 x Ø13,5 20 13 S110 4 x Ø9 4 x Ø15 4 x Ø20 4 x Ø13 S120 S42,4 C20-095 D02-095 E24.54.815.G E24.54.815.G EM24.54.700/F EM24.54.700/F 2 x Ø13,5 4 x Ø13 145 170 195...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 5000 BMW B2 4006 FORD W-DX35-6203 PSA E24.54.815.G B8 3180 220 000 001 GM 90.25.00 RENAULT EM24.54.700 39D 878 NISSAN K32S0 Ø65 S≥160 ORDER ±0.25 (mm) (mm) (mm) AG 5000 025 9.78 25,5 GGS I 05000 025...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 5000 MOUNTS A34-120 B76-120 EM24.54.700/F 4 x Ø13,5 4 x Ø11 4 x Ø18 S130 S109,5 4 x Ø20 4 x Ø13 S140 S109,5 S56,6 C20-120 D02-120 E24.54.815.G E24.54.815.G EM24.54.700/F EM24.54.700/F 2 x Ø13,5 4 x Ø13 165 195 220...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 7500 BMW B2 4006 FORD W-DX35-6203 PSA E24.54.815.G B8 3180 220 000 001 GM 90.25.00 RENAULT EM24.54.700 39D 878 Ø80 ORDER ±0.25 (mm) (mm) (mm) AG 7500 025 27,5 16.89 GGS I 07500 025 >15 AG 7500 050 ISO 11901...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 7500 MOUNTS A34-150 B76-150 4 x Ø17,5 4 x Ø11 S162 S138 4 x Ø18 4 x Ø26 4 x Ø17,5 S190 S138 S70,7 C20-150 D02-150 E24.54.815.G E24.54.815.G EM24.54.700/F 2 x Ø13,5 4 x Ø17,5 200 230 260 S190 S138...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 10000 90.25.00 RENAULT EM24.54.700 39D 878 Ø95 ORDER ±0.25 (mm) (mm) (mm) AG 10000 050 34.26 33,5 GGS I 10000 050 >15 AG 10000 080 ISO 11901 37.32 GGS I 10000 080 >15 R2,5 AG 10000 100...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion AG 10000 MOUNTS A34-195 B76-195 4 x Ø17,5 4 x Ø13,5 4 x Ø20 S210 S170 4 x Ø26 4 x Ø17,5 S210 S170 S84,9 C20-195 EM24.54.700/F 4 x Ø17,5 S210 S170 SEAL KIT S-XXXXXXX NC.060.10.00750.050...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion HOSED SYSTEMS ADVANTAGES Hosed Systems Using gas springs in hosed systems let the end user profit the following advantages. Follow the safety and operating instructions contained in the guide Gas springs hosed systems. 3000 3000 3000...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion HOSED SYSTEMS ADVANTAGES Hosed Systems To keep the same force in all the hosed gas springs with the same technical features. To charge, drain and adjust the pressure of the hosed gas springs through the control panel. To use additional warning or emergency stop systems (pressure switch) when the pressure is higher or lower than a predefined value.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion HOSED SYSTEMS EXAMPLES Hosed Systems EXAMPLE 1 1.- AG (x4) 2.- CF 01 24 (x1) 3.- CF 02 40 (x3) 4.- SKK 12R 1/8 (x8) 5.- SGS XXXX (x4) 6.- 600-CP (x1) Hosed system in series.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion HOSED SYSTEMS EXAMPLES Hosed Systems EXAMPLE 4 1.- AG (x5) 2.- CF 01 24 (x5) 3.- SKK 12R 1/8 (X12) 4.- SGS XXXX (x6) 5.- PLD 6 (x1) 6.- 600-CP (x1) Hosed system through distribution block. System used when the design of the die set do not let the use of hosed system in circuit.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion FITTING HOSES Hosed Systems To obtain the best working performance on connected systems, please follow these recommendations: Select a hose length that allows certain tolerance within connected cylinders. Do not twist the hoses. Select appropriate hose fittings to prevent undesired bends in the hoses.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion FITTING HOSES Hosed Systems Rmin Respect the minimum radius recommended for each type of hose. Min. 15mm Respect the minimum gap to start bending the hose. Use the PF 02 hose protectors. Fix the hose to the die in the right way to prevent any mechanical damage on the hose when operating.
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AG 750 B8 3180 220 000 001 GM 39D 878 www.azolgas.com 20ºC 20ºC Ø20 > Vmax [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion (±5%) (±5%) 100 120 140 160 180 Ø25 ( bar ) SELF-CONTAINED AND HOSED ( bar ) S≥160 3000 3000...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SELF-CONTAINED AND HOSED Hosed Systems SELF-CONTAINED OR HOSED GAS SPRINGS 3000 3000 3000 3000 CODE 3000 3000 bar psi AG 750 050 150 2175 740 1100 3000 3000 AG-H 750 050 - - - - - - 3000 3000...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SELF-CONTAINED AND HOSED Hosed Systems Gas spring, from self-contained to hosed system. Before discharging a gas spring point the gas flow away from operator or anybody else. T M6 DPA 5 Charge Port T 1/8 DALL 5...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SELF-CONTAINED AND HOSED Hosed Systems XTC-M6 DMNL DMNL XTCP DIN 7757 A 800 DMNL ABXP Check the type of the filling valve and unscrew it by using the tool DMNL with the corresponding adapter (XTCP for XTC-M6, and ABXP for DIN 7757).
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion TYPES OF HOSED SYSTEMS Hosed Systems M8x1 3000 3000 Charge Pmax Port 400 bar Ø5 Rmin Tmax 20 mm 100 ºC S12,65x1,5 3000 3000 Charge Pmax Port G1/8” 630 bar Ø5 Rmin Tmax 20 mm 100 ºC...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion TYPES OF HOSED SYSTEMS Hosed Systems M8x1 Specially suited to be used with M6 filling port gas springs. Charge The most compact hosed system. Port S12,65x1,5 Most popular use for G1/8” filling port gas springs and automobile: EM.24.54.700, W-DX35-72, 90.25, SMS Charge DNH 3217n...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion TYPES OF HOSED SYSTEMS Hosed Systems M6 GAS SPRINGS LINKABLE AG 250 CK 500 CD 300 V1 - 500 V1 CT 500 - 5000 CM 300 - 600 V1 KZ 350 - 500 FD 300 CW 350 - 2400 V1 Filling...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion TYPES OF HOSED SYSTEMS Hosed Systems G1/8” GAS SPRINGS LINKABLE AG 500 CTN 750 - 5000 AG 750 - 10000 KZ 750 - 6600 CD 700 - 18500 KT 1000 - 9500 CM 1000 -10000 CW 4200 - 20000 GN 750 - 7500...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion TYPES OF HOSED SYSTEMS Hosed Systems Filling Adapters Port KRM6 M6 GAS SPRINGS LINKABLE AG 250 CK 500 M8x1 TE BK CD 300 V1 - 500 V1 CT 500 - 5000 CM 300 - 600 V1 KZ 350 - 500 FD 300 CW 350 - 2400 V1...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion TYPES OF HOSED SYSTEMS Hosed Systems Control Hoses Panels 3000 3000 600-CPM6 600-CPLC 600-CPFI 600-CPGM 600-CPTO HJRR TNRR 600-CPLC 600-CPFI 600-CPGM HJRL TNRL HJLL TNLL TFRR SMRR 600-CPLC 600-CPFI 600-CPGM TFRL TFLL GTRR MCRR 600-CPLC...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion CONTROL PANELS Hosed Systems 600-CPLC _ _ V1 12,5 VD 14 G1/8” (x4) QCM 1/4 SD 517 / SD 360 Rupture Disk (Optional) 2 x Ø11 MN-14-600-62 ENG ORDER DEU BESTELL FRA COMMANDE ORDINE ESP PEDIDO POR PEDIDO...
www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion CONTROL PANELS Hosed Systems 600-CPFI _ _ FIAT A0.14.01 84,5 16,5 QDM 1/8 G1/8” (x2) VD 14 SD 517 2 x Ø9 MN-14-600-62 Rupture Disk (Optional) ENG ORDER DEU BESTELL FRA COMMANDE ORDINE ESP PEDIDO POR PEDIDO...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion CONTROL PANELS Hosed Systems 600-CPM6 _ _ SD 517 / SD 360 VD 14 Rupture Disk (x16) (Optional) 2 x Ø7 QCM 1/4 MN-14-600-40 ENG ORDER DEU BESTELL FRA COMMANDE ORDINE ESP PEDIDO POR PEDIDO SD 360 SD 517...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion CONTROL PANELS Hosed Systems 400-CPFG _ 01 22,4 5,75 5,75 4 x Ø6,5 44,5 59,5 78,5 15,5 MNP-18-400-40 QCM 1/4 VD MPC1 PV MPC1 SD 360 Rupture Disk G1/4” G1/8” 22,4 Qty. ORDER testing units (mm)
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion CONTROL PANELS Hosed Systems QCM 1/4 QCF 1/4 G1/4” G1/4” A/F 19 A/F 19 CONTROL PANEL CHARGING UNIT 600-CPLC 600-CPM6 EC 37 600-CPTO 600-CPGM EC 38 600-CPFO 400-CPFG EC 39 QDM 1/8 QDF 1/8 1/8”...
www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion CONTROL PANELS Hosed Systems MN-14-600-40 MN-14-600-62 Ø40 Ø62 1/4” 1/4” BSPT BSPT SPS 1/4 SPS 1/8 Electrical connection Electrical connection to the press to the press Threaded Threaded connection A/F 27 connection to the control to the control panel...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion ELECTRONIC PRESSURE SWITCH Hosed Systems GM KIT GM 90.25.225 EDS GM Electronic Pressure Switch according to GM standard GM 90.25.225. It is supplied with EDS 400 1/4 (with 5 meters cable ZBE 90 (90º)) and block PL EDS.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion ELECTRONIC PRESSURE SWITCH Hosed Systems EDS 400 1/4 EDS 400 1/8 Ø42 40,4 Ø42 40,4 M12x1 M12x1 A/F 27 12 14 A/F 19 A/F 27 16,1 16,1 G1/8” G1/4” HOW TO ORDER HOW TO ORDER EDS 400 1/4 EDS 400 1/8...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion DISTRIBUTION BLOCKS Hosed Systems PLC M6 PLR M6 PLH M6 4 Ports 6 Ports 6 Ports 2 x Ø7,5 6 x M6 4 x M6 2 x Ø4,5 6 x M6 Ø7,5 Ø6,5 Ø4,5 13,5...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion DISTRIBUTION BLOCKS Hosed Systems PLD 6 PLD 7 7 Ports 11 Ports G1/8” G1/8” 2 x Ø15 7 x G1/8” 2 x Ø11 11 x G1/8” 2 x Ø8,5 PLD 8 12 Ports PLF 8 10 Ports G1/8”...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion G1/8” MINIMESS (Ø5) Hosed Systems ORDER ORDER (mm) (mm) SGS 200 SGS 300 SGS 400 Max. 17 SGS 500 SGS 630 Ø5 SGS 800 SGS 1000 1000 Max. Ø20 SGS 1200 1200 SGS 1250 1250 SGS 1500...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion G1/8” MINIMESS (Ø5) Hosed Systems SKK 12R 1/8 SKK L SKK 12R 1/4 S12,65 x 1,5 S12,65 x 1,5 S12,65 x 1,5 Max. A/F14 A/F14 A/F19 G1/8” G1/8” G1/4” CF 01 24 CF 01 38 CF 01 48 G1/8”...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion G1/8” MINIMESS (Ø5) Hosed Systems CF 03 34 CF 03 48 CF 03 55 19,5 19,5 19,5 3 x G1/8” 3 x G1/8” 3 x G1/8” G1/8” G1/8” G1/8” 31,5 31,5 31,5 CF 04 26 CF 04 40 CF 04 50...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion M8 x 1 (Ø5) Hosed Systems ORDER (mm) BK 200 BK 300 BK 400 BK 500 BK 630 Ø5 BK 800 BK 1000 1000 BK 1200 1200 BK 1250 1250 BK 1500 1500 BK 2000 2000...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion M8 x 1 (Ø5) Hosed Systems KRM6 KRM8 18 MS 1 A/F 14 G1/8” G1/8” M8x1 M8x1 A/F 10 06 MS 3 90 BK1 TE BK1 A/F 10 M8x1 M8x1 (x2) 14,5 14,5 20,5 13,5...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion M12 x 1,5 (Ø10) Hosed Systems TNRR ORDER (mm) TNRR 200 TNRR 300 TNRR 400 TNRR 500 Ø10 TNRR 630 TNRR 800 TNRR 1000 1000 TNRR 1200 1200 TNRR 1250 1250 Max. 45 TNRR 1500 1500 M12x1,5...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion M12 x 1,5 (Ø10) Hosed Systems TNRC ORDER (mm) TNRC 200 TNRC 300 TNRC 400 TNRC 500 Ø10 TNRC 630 TNRC 800 TNRC 1000 1000 TNRC 1200 Max. 17 1200 TNRC 1250 1250 M12x1,5 TNRC 1500...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion M12 x 1,5 (Ø5) Hosed Systems HJRR ORDER (mm) HJRR 200 HJRR 300 HJRR 400 HJRR 500 HJRR 630 Ø5 HJRR 800 HJRR 1000 1000 HJRR 1200 1200 HJRR 1250 1250 HJRR 1500 1500 HJRR 2000 2000...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion M12 x 1,5 (Ø5) Hosed Systems HJRT HJLT 32,5 M12x1,5 M12x1,5 GF 02 RBP 5 Ø5 Ø5 Ø2 GF 02 3000 3000 Rmin Pmax Tmax 345 bar 100 ºC 20 mm...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion COMPENSATION TANKS Hosed Systems DFC 75 Ø30 Ø75 G1/4” (x2) ENG ORDER DEU BESTELL FRA COMMANDE Vol. ORDINE ORDER ESP PEDIDO POR PEDIDO (mm) DFC 75 025 0.25 DFC 75 050 0.50 DFC 75 025 DFC 75 100 1.00...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion COMPENSATION TANKS Hosed Systems DFC 120 X42,4 Ø60 Ø120 G1/4” (x4) ENG ORDER DEU BESTELL FRA COMMANDE Vol. ORDINE ORDER ESP PEDIDO POR PEDIDO (mm) DFC 120 200 2.00 DFC 120 400 4.00 DFC 120 200 DFC 120 800...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion DIE INFORMATION TAGS Hosed Systems PI-01 PI-02 ATTENTION: ATTENTION This tool is equiped with gas cylinder in: TOOL WITH GAS SPRINGS MAXIMUM CHARGING PRESSURE 150 bar Keep out from shocks, heat projections, etc. BEFORE HANDLING GAS SPRINGS MAKE SURE MODEL THEY ARE TOTALLY DISCHARGED.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion DIE INFORMATION TAGS Hosed Systems PI-21 PI-22 GM 90.20.07 FIAT A0.15.01 COLORE Pmax. Pmax. COLOUR (Mpa) (bar) AZZURRO 3.75 37.5 BLUE VERDE GREEN ROSSO 10.5 GIALLO YELLOW ENG ORDER ENG ORDER ENG ORDER DEU BESTELL DEU BESTELL DEU BESTELL...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion DIE INFORMATION TAGS Hosed Systems PI-53 PI-54 B2 5707 B2 5707 Hier sind Gasdruckfedern eingebaut Gas springs are fitted here Achtung ! Sach - Nr . FM / Die - No. Werkzeug ist ausgerustet mit Gasdruckfedem ! Bestell - Nr.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion STRIKER PLATES Accessories SPFI STQ.70040 Ød2 Ø Ød1 Ød2 ORDER (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) SPFI 001 SPFI 002 Ød1 SPFI 003 SPFI 004 SPFI 005 ENG ORDER DEU BESTELL FRA COMMANDE Ø...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion STRIKER PLATES Accessories SPRE EM24.54.700 Ød1 Ø Ød1 ORDER (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) SPRE 010 SPRE 011 ENG ORDER DEU BESTELL FRA COMMANDE Ø ORDINE ESP PEDIDO POR PEDIDO SPRE 010 SPRE EM24.54.700 Ød1 Ø...
www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion FP (FLEX PLATE) Accessories FP 020 045 max. 2º Ø72 Ø59 1.5 mm 1.5 mm Ø9 MODELS MODEL MODEL MODEL MODEL AG 500 AG 750 KZ 1000 V1 KZ 1500 HOW TO ORDER CD 500 V1 GN 750 CW 1000 V2...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SERVICE EQUIPMENT Accessories DALL 3 (Tool Allen 3) PU 16 (Tool Ø 12-16) DALL 5 PU 22 (Tool Allen 5) (Tool Ø 20-22) DMNL PU 25 (Tool) (Tool Ø 25) ABXP (Adapter DIN 7757) PU 28 (Tool Ø...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SERVICE EQUIPMENT Accessories e/c 3 e/c 5 G1/8”...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SERVICE EQUIPMENT Accessories PU 16 PU 22 GAS SPRING SERIES GAS SPRING SERIES ASP 250 KZ 350 ASP 500 V1 KZ 500 ASP 300 CW 350 V1 AG 500 CW 500 V1 AG 150 CD 500 V1 AG 250...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SERVICE EQUIPMENT Accessories PART NUMBER NCTU.00.106 PU 16 NCTU.00.106 PU 16 150-300 daN INITIAL FORCE (F 150-300 daN Ø 12-16 Ø 12-16 www.azolgas.com www.azolgas.com Ød ROD DIAMETER Example of how are marked the tools PU -Part number -Initial Force -Piston rod diameter...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SERVICE EQUIPMENT Accessories LM 3 LM 6 LM 16 LM 8...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SERVICE EQUIPMENT Accessories DALL 3 DPA 5 e/c 3 DALL 5 e/c 5 T 1/8 T M6 G1/8” A 550 1/8-M6 TR M6 G1/8” LRP 1 LRP 2...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SERVICE EQUIPMENT Accessories DIN 7757 XTC-M6 Vg 5 A 800 ALXTC The tool A 800 is only intended to be used to remove WARNING: ALXTC is only intended to be used to the filling valve DIN 7757.
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SERVICE EQUIPMENT Accessories OPTIONS DBNA 1 - Hosed System Air Inlet 5 - 7 bar 3000 3000 600-CP 2 - Self-contained Female Thread A 400 C W21.7-14h Inlet Outlet 1/4” NPT 1/4” NPT ADVANTAGES ●...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SERVICE EQUIPMENT Accessories EC 03 Female Thread EC 03 is equipped with: W21.7-14h 1-Adapter AC 500 2-Adapter 7RM2 Only to be used 3000 3000 3000 3000 3-Hose TFRR 3000 with a gauge 4-Adapter 7RM4 Pmin...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SERVICE EQUIPMENT Accessories EC 37 Female Thread W21.7-14h CHARGING UNIT EC 37 is equipped with: 1-Pressure regulator LTH 600 The Charging Unit EC 37 let you: 2-Hose TFRR 3000 -Check the pressure from the nitrogen tank. 3-Shut off valve EC VP 4-Female Quick Coupling...
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www.azolgas.com [email protected] Tel. +34 945290010 Service in Motion SERVICE EQUIPMENT Accessories LTH 600 18 CG 1-Q G1/8” 06 CG 2-Q Male Thread 7/16-20 JIC Female Thread W21.7-14h EC 38 EC VP JIC 37º Female Thread 7/16-20 JIC G1/4” 7/16-20 EC 38 is equipped with: 1-Hose TFRR 3000 2-Shut off valve...