10 Transport Instructions
If for any reason, the Neptune instrument has to be returned to the manufacturer, it is
compulsory to contact the distributor and to follow the procedure described hereunder.
10.1 Decontamination Procedure
Follow the decontamination procedure and fill in the Decontamination Certificate provided
with the Neptune instrument before preparing the machine for transport.
NB : If the Decontamination Certificate is missing, please ask your distributor for a copy
or write to the following address:
It is compulsory that the Decontamination Certificate is included in the box of the
Neptune instrument.
If the Decontamination Certificate is missing, the manufacturer will
decontaminate the Neptune instrument upon arrival.
In that case, the customer will be charged with an invoice of 100,00 €
For the safety of laboratory staff, it is strongly recommended to consider
the Neptune instrument and its components as if potentially hazardous
for the transmission of infectious diseases. The wearing of gloves and
protective goggles is strongly recommended during the cleaning
Shut down the Neptune instrument
Unplug the Neptune instrument
Open the cover and remove the clamp and the cartridge holder.
Remove all visible organic material from the inside and outside of the machine.
Wipe down with alcoholic solution (as isopropanol 70%):
1. the clamp
2. the cartridge holder
3. the inside of the machine (notably cartridge holder area, lateral and
backing edges and the 2 horizontal arms)
4. The outside of the machine (Touch screen, cover (in and out).
Do not use isopropanol 70% on the touchscreen. It is recommended to
use solutions adapted for the cleaning of computer screens.
Do not introduce isopropanol 70% in the electronical parts of the
Neptune instrument.
Wait for around 5 minutes and then wipe off the Neptune instrument and its
components (cartridge holder, clamp) with clean and dry paper towels. Put the
clamp and the cartridge holder back inside the Neptune instrument (into their
foreseen emplacements).
Complete the Decontamination Certificate.
Neptune Instrument
Revision nr : 200710