To prevent accidents or injury only the sword provided should be used to play this
game. If people other than the player are standing in the play area, they should be
warned to move away. This game is designed for one-person play only.
Sword Movement
Swing the sword within the sensor area to slash an opponent or
background item.
Defence: When the sword is held in the sensor area, the screen displays the sword.
The player can defend themselves by blocking an opponents weapon with
the sword displayed on the screen. Knock the opponents weapon towards
the outside when blocking to make the opponent loose balance.
Starting the Game
Insert the required amount of coins to establish credit, and press the Start button or
swing the sword within the sensor area to start the game.
Select whether Tutorial Practice Mode is required.
If YES is selected the tutorial mode is activated to explain the basic moves.
After the tutorial mode is finished, the game will start at stage 1.
If NO is selected the tutorial mode is skipped and the game starts at stage 1.
Game Rules
Each successful attack by an opponent reduces the life gauge of the player by a
preset amount.
Each time the time limit reaches zero, the life gauge decreases by a preset
The time limit is extended (maximum value: 99) when the player destroys all the
opponents in the front, or specific enemies.
When the life gauge decreases to zero, the game is over.
At the end of the game, the player's performance level is indicated by the score
display. The higher the score, the better the performance.
Note: Press the Start button to skip the demonstration scene inserted during game
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