Periodic maintenance and adjustment
Checking the throttle grip free play
Measure the throttle grip free play as
Periodically check the throttle grip free
play and, if necessary, have a Benelli de-
aler adjust it.
Throttle grip free play:
3.0 - 5.0 mm (0.12 - 0.20 in)
Valve clearance
The valve clearance changes with use, re-
sulting in improper air-fuel mixture and/
or engine noise. To prevent this from oc-
curring, the valve clearance must be adju-
sted by a Benelli dealer at the intervals
specified in the periodic maintenance and
lubrication chart.
Throttle grip free play
Tires are the only contact between the
vehicle and the road. Safety in all condi-
tions of riding depends on a relatively
small area of road contact.
Therefore, it is essential to maintain the
tires in good condition at all times and re-
place them at the appropriate time with
the specified tires.
Tire air pressure
The tire air pressure should be checked
and, if necessary, adjusted before each
Operation of this vehicle with improper
tire pressure may cause severe injury or
death from loss of control.
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• The tire air pressure must be
checked and adjusted on cold ti-
res (i.e., when the temperature of
the tires equals the ambient tem-
• The tire air pressure must be adju-
sted in accordance with the riding
speed and with the total weight of
rider, passenger, cargo, and acces-
sories approved for this model.