2. Choose the Features for the Alignment.
Choose the First Feature. Depending on the type of Feature, you
will see how it can be used in the Alignment.
Choose the Second Feature.
Choose the Third Feature.
Touch the OK button to build the Alignment for your part.
Note: You can save an Alignment to a file and load it into another tool.
The FARO Gage 3D Caliper command replaces a traditional Height Gage
tool by providing a quick distance measurement.
Define your base face (measurement table, gage block, etc.) and touch
your part to see the height distance. You can set, or reset, three separate
base faces for you part.
Touch the Setup Tab.
Touch the Set button for the X, Y or Z base face. You can also use
the Alignment to set the base faces.
3D c
Metrology mode