5) Connecting the TrekStor MovieStation to the home entertainment system
You can connect the MovieStation to either the computer or your home entertainment system, that is, your television or HiFi
system. You cannot connect the MovieStation to both the computer and the home entertainment system at the same time.
First connect the power supply included in delivery to the "dC iN" port of the MovieStation. Then plug the power
supply into a socket.
b) The following possibilities are available for connecting the MovieStation to your home entertainment system:
connection via the Av adapter cable
Use the provided AV adapter cable and connect the "AV OuT" output of the MovieStation with the audio/video input
of your television set to transmit the sound and picture signal. For this purpose, connect the red and white cinch
plug to the audio cinch input of your television and the yellow cinch plug to the yellow composite video input port
of your television.
You can also use the SCART adapter to connect your MovieStation to a SCART port on your television.