Daily Cleaning; Periodic Checks - Ghibli AS Performance Serie Uso Y Mantenimiento

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Reassemble all the parts by following the
dismantling process steps in the reverse
Emptying the recovery tank
Release the lever (8 Fig.3) and remove
the top (9 Fig.4) along with the engine.
Place it on the top of a drain and empty the
liquid in the recovery tank (35 Fig.18).
Clean the inside of the tank with running
water and then re-install everything doing
the opposite of the disassembly.
For machines equipped with drain hose
Release the exhaust tube (36 Fig.19)
from its base.
Unscrew the button (37 Fig.20), re-
move the cap (38 Fig.20) of the ex-
haust hose (36 Fig.21) and drain the
liquid in the recovery tank (35 Fig.21)
For devices with rocking tank
Release the lever (8 Fig.3) and re-
move the top (9 Fig.4) along with the
Remove the tank locking device by
acting the lever (39 Fig.22) if any
Lift the tank (35 Fig.23) with the ap-
propriate lever (40 Fig.23) until com-
pletely emptied.
Replace everything doing the oppo-
site of the disassembly.

Daily cleaning

Checking and cleaning the polyester
filter (if present)
Release the levers (8 Fig.3) and remove
the cover (9 Fig.4) complete with motor.
Remove the polyester (4 Fig.5) filter.
Clean the filter (Fig.24) from the inside out
with a blast of air; the filter can be washed
(Fig.24) in warm water and must only be
replaced once it is completely dry. If it is
too dirty, replace it.
Reassemble all the parts by following the
dismantling process steps in the reverse
Cleaning the appliance
Clean the unit body with a cloth damp-
ened with water or a mild detergent.
Remove the top, as described above and
clean the inside with running water and
then empty it, as indicated above.
Replace everything doing the opposite of
the disassembly.
Do not wash the appliance using jets of

Periodic checks

Checking the air outlet filter
Loosen the screws (41 Fig.25) and re-
move the cover (42 Fig.25).
Remove the foam tank (43 Fig.26) and
the texture sponges (44 Fig.27) if any.
Clean the sponges with a blast of air
The filter sponges can be washed in
warm water and must only be replaced
once they are completely dry; if too dirty,
replace them with new ones.
Reassemble all the parts by following the
dismantling process steps in the reverse
Checking the floater
Remove the top as shown above
Check If the floater (45) is In good condi-
tion and if it moves freely in its space.
EN - 7
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