Table of Contents
Features ........................................................... 11
Part Names ...................................................... 12
Specifications .................................................. 13
Pack Mountable into EIA 19-inch standard
PVM-4B1 is a four-unit set of black and white video
monitors which are connected together. They can be
mounted into EIA 19-inch standard rack.
500-TV line, high, horizontal resolution
Features newly developed CRT for improved focus.
Image quality exceeds normal 500-TV line standard.
High voltage stability
Adopts high voltage regulation circuit to reproduce
stable picture with little zooming.
Automatic acceptance of EIA standard/CCIR
standard signal systems
Accepts automatically both EIA standard (525/60),
CCIR (625/50) standard signals.
Automatic 75Ω termination
When the output terminal is not in use, the BNC input
terminal (at the back of the system) is set at 75 ohms.
This 75-ohm resistance at the terminal is automatically
released when a cable is connected, allowing the signal
to be transmitted to another input terminal.