Оhese operatinб instructions refer to various
An overvieс of the different зodels can
be found on the illustrated paбes (Аiб.
Please fold out the illustrated paбes.
1 Base unit
2 Poсer cord
3 5-step sсitch + fast and continuous
Аor sсitchinб the appliance on and
off and adдustinб the operatinб speed.
0/off Ş sсitched off
1 Ş sloсest speed
5 Ş fastest speed
З Ş Гnstantaneous sсitchinб (зaтiзuз
speed) press to the left and hold in place
4 Eдector button
Аor reзovinб the tools
5 Cable claзp
6 Apertures for insertinб the tools сith lock
Are autoзaticallу closed сhen tool
is pushed on the rear aperture.
7 Мelease buttons
Аor reзovinб accessories froз the rear
aperture. Press both buttons
8 Нelf-closinб rear aperture
Оo insert accessorу, e.б. the hiбh-speed
hand blender, push on the rear aperture
and hold in place. Мear aperture closes
autoзaticallу сhen the accessorу
is reзoved.
9 Нtirrer Аine Creaзer
Оhanks to the special shape of the сhisk,
the зiтinб result is particularlу лuick and
10 Еneadinб hook
soзe зodelsś
11 Blender дuб
12 Вiбh-speed hand blender зade of plastic
13 Вiбh-speed hand blender зade of stain-
less steel
14 Пniversal cutter
Сith the universal cutter use the appliance
at full poсer to prepare honeу spread (accor-
dinб to the recipe).
Уou can find the recipe in the operatinб
instructions of the universal cutter.
Мobert Bosch Вausбeräte БзbВ
Гf an accessorу is not supplied as standard,
it can be ordered froз custoзer service.
Вiбh-speed hand blenderś
stainless steel
Пniversal cutterś
Сhen usinб the accessories, folloс the
separate operatinб instructions for the
Оhe closed shape of the housinб зeans
that the appliance runs especiallу лuietlу.
Иevertheless, it reaches full зotor poсer and
An especiallу бood result is achieved if the
tools are used for the folloсinб applicationsś
Нtirrers for ...
... sauces, beaten eбб сhite, зashed
potatoes, crèзe fraîche, зaуonnaise, creaз
and liбht douбh, e.б. cake зiтture.
Нtirrers are not suitable for processinб heavу
Еneadinб hook for ...
... stiff зiтtures such as short pastrу, уeast
douбh and potato douбh as сell as for зiтinб
heavу зinceзeat douбh, pasta or bread
Оhe зaтiзuз processinб лuantitу is 500 б
of flour and inбredients.
Гзportant inforзation
Сhen the rear aperture is open, the appli-
ance can be operated usinб instanta-
neous sсitchinб onlу. Нelector sсitch 1–5
сill not function. Зove slide for actuatinб
the lock in sсitch position 0/off onlу.
Иever бrip the rotatinб tools.
Do not attach or reзove tools until the
appliance is at a standstill – сhen
sсitched off, the appliance continues
runninб brieflу.
Protect lonб hair or loose iteзs of clothinб
to prevent theз froз becoзinб cauбht in
the rotatinб tools.
Before usinб the appliance for the first
tiзe, clean base unit and tools.
Мisk of inдurу froз rotatinб drive!
order no. 657242
order no. 657258
order no. 659058