• Uživatelé zařízení Latchways GTFA musí být zdraví a
vhodně trénovaní. Zařízení Latchways GTFA nesmí používat
těhotné ženy, nezletilé osoby či osoby pod vlivem alkoholu
nebo drog.
• Uživatelé zařízení Latchways GTFA odpovídají za to, že
používají systémy a zařízení ve správné kombinaci (Část 5).
• Určeno pouze pro jednoho uživatele o hmotnosti 50 (110)
(bez nástrojů a vybavení) až 150 kg (330 lbs) (včetně nástrojů
a vybavení).
Before each use the User shall complete Pre use checks in
accordance with Section 5.
• Označení produktu musí odpovídat regionu, ve kterém se
budou zařízení používat – viz str. (103).
• Zařízení Latchways GTFA se nesmí používat pro pracovní
polohování (tj. jako primární prostředek opory), k podpoře
částečné nebo celé hmotnosti těla.
• Only Latchways vertical systems must be installed and used
such that the maximum incline from vertical is 15º in any
direction (Figure 1). ClimbLatch can be used outside of the
15º on a system designed by Latchways.
• The Latchways GTFA shall not be used for any other
purpose than providing attachment for a single User to a
Latchways vertical system manufactured and specified
by Latchways plc. During use do not allow any clothing,
equipment, body appendages or any other items to restrict
the operation of the device.
• Do not use the Latchways GTFA below -30°c (-22°F) or above
• If the Latchways GTFA device is damaged, has arrested a
fall, there is any doubt about the safe condition of the device
or the service date has expired and it is unable to pass an
examination it shall be immediately withdrawn from service.
This shall be recorded on the record card. and the device
passed to a Technician
for disposal or repair.
• Rescue and evacuation: the user must have a rescue plan
and the means at hand to implement it. The plan must take
into account the equipment and specific training necessary
to affect prompt rescue under all foreseeable conditions.
If the rescue be from a confined space, the provisions of
OSHA regulation 1910.146 and ANSI Z117.1 must be taken
into account. It is recommended to provide means for user
evacuation without assistance of others. This will usually
reduce the time to get to a safe place and reduce or prevent
the risk to rescuers.
• Do not alter this equipment or intentionally misuse it. Do
not use fall protection equipment for purposes other than
those for which it was designed. Do not use fall protection
equipment for towing, hoisting or material handling.Repairs
shall be completed by a Technician
MSA's instructions. No unauthorized repairs, modifications,
alterations and/or additions are permitted.
• A full body harness is the only acceptable body holding
device that can be used in a fall arrest system.
• Do not rely on feel or sound to verify proper snaphook or
carabiner engagement. Ensure that gate and keeper are
closed before use.
• E nsure sufficient fall clearance exists between the user
and obstacles and between multiple users on the Vertical
Lifeline System.
• Do not disable or manually handle the lock/release
mechanism of the device during ascent or descent.
in accordance with