Bauerfeind OmoTrain S Manual De Instrucciones página 3

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darunterliegenden Gurt locker auf. Greifen Sie
den unteren Rand der Bandage und ziehen Sie
diese nach unten aus.
Hinweis: Setzen Sie die OmoTrain S nie direkter
Hitze (z. B. Heizung, Sonneneinstrahlung,
Lagerung im Pkw) aus! Dadurch sind Schäden am
Material möglich. Dies kann die Wirksamkeit der
OmoTrain S beeinträchtigen.
Bitte beachten Sie die Pflegehinweise auf dem
Ein nähetikett Ihrer OmoTrain S. Dieses befindet
sich im Innenteil des Gestricks.
Alle Train-Produkte² sind bei 30 °C mit Flüs-
sigwaschmittel separat in der Waschmaschine
waschbar. Beachten Sie dabei bitte folgende
Schließen Sie die Klettverschlüsse, um eine
Beschädigung zu vermeiden. Entfernen Sie vor
dem Waschen das Massagepolster. Waschen
Sie die Bandage in einem Wäschenetz mit
einem Feinwaschmittel separat bei 30 °C Fein-
wäsche. Schleudern Sie die Bandage bei max.
500 Um drehungen pro Minute. Waschen Sie die
OmoTrain S regelmäßig, damit die Kompression
des Gestricks erhalten bleibt. Waschen Sie das
Massagepolster bei Bedarf per Handwäsche.
Kletten Sie das Massagepolster nach dem
Waschen wieder ein. Legen Sie dazu die
OmoTrain S mit den Gurten nach oben auf
die lange Gestrickseite. Kletten Sie das
Massagepolster mit der langen Spitze zu Ihnen
zeigend in das Gestrickteil ein.
Hinweise zum Wiedereinsatz
Die OmoTrain S ist allein für Ihre Versorgung
vorgesehen und wurde speziell anhand Ihrer
Maße ausgewählt. Geben Sie die OmoTrain S
daher nicht an Dritte weiter.
Es gelten die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen des
Landes, in dem das Produkt erworben wurde. So-
weit relevant, gelten länderspezifische Gewähr-
leistungsregeln zwischen Händler und Erwerber.
Wird ein Gewährleistungsfall vermutet, wenden
Sie sich bitte zunächst direkt an denjenigen, von
dem Sie das Produkt bezogen haben.
Bitte nehmen Sie am Produkt selbstständig keine
Veränderungen vor. Dies gilt insbesondere für
vom Fachpersonal vorgenommene individuelle
Anpassungen. Befolgen Sie bitte unsere Ge-
brauchs- und Pflege hinweise. Diese basieren auf
unseren langjährigen Erfahrungen und stellen
die Funktionen unserer medizinisch wirksamen
Produkte für lange Zeit sicher. Denn nur optimal
funktionierende Hilfsmittel unterstützen Sie.
Außerdem kann die Nichtbeachtung der Hinweise
die Gewährleistung einschränken.
Sie können das Produkt entsprechend den
nationalen gesetzlichen Vorschriften entsorgen.
Bei Reklamationen wenden Sie sich bitte aus-
schließlich an Ihr Fachgeschäft. Wir weisen Sie
darauf hin, dass nur gereinigte Ware bearbeitet
werden kann.
Stand der Information: 2018-01
* Hinweis auf Gefahr von Personenschäden (Verletzungs-,
Gesundheits- und Unfallrisiko) ggf. Sachschaden (Schäden
am Produkt).
Fachpersonal ist jede Person, die nach den für sie
geltenden staatlichen Regelungen zur Anpassung und
Einweisung in den Gebrauch von Bandagen befugt ist.
² Genormte Waschprüfungen zeigen, dass nach 50 Wasch-
maschinenbehandlungen die Funktionalität der
Train-Aktivbandage voll erhalten bleibt. (Es wurde
Flüssigwaschmittel verwendet.)
These instructions for use can also be
downloaded from:
Dear Customer,
Thank you for placing your trust in a Bauerfeind
product. The OmoTrain S you have purchased is a
high-quality medical product.
Please read through all of these instructions
for use carefully, because they contain
important information about the use, indications,
contraindications, application, care and disposal
of the your OmoTrain S. Please keep these
instructions safe, as you may want to read them
again later. If you have any questions, please
contact your physician or medical retailer.
OmoTrain S is a shoulder support. It improves the
function of the shoulder joint and counteracts
painful movements. The massage pad (Delta pad),
which can be individually positioned, produces a
constant massage effect to improve blood
circulation. This helps swelling and effusions
reduce more quickly. If used consistently,
OmoTrain S can speed up the mobilization of the
affected shoulder and noticeably relieve pain.
• Shoulder pain (due to injury / surgery)
• Irritation of the soft tissue in the shoulder area
(chronic, due to injury / surgery)
• Shoulder joint wear (osteoarthritis of the
Risks of using this product*
OmoTrain S must only be worn in accordance
with the specifications contained in these
instructions and used for the areas of application
(purpose, places of use) listed.
OmoTrain S is a prescribable product. In case you
have received it by prescription from your doctor
or physiotherapist, the use and duration of use
must be agreed with her / him before utilizing the
product. In any case, instruction is required by the
specialist who provided you with the product.
To ensure the optimum fit of the OmoTrain S, the
size of OmoTrain S required must be determined
by a trained specialist
Should you notice any unusual changes (e. g.
increased symptoms), please contact your
physician without delay.
No product liability is accepted in the event of
improper use.
Do not allow the product to come into contact with
ointments, lotions or substances containing
grease or acids.
Do not make any alterations to the product.
Failure to comply with this requirement may
adversely affect product performance, thereby
voiding any product liability.
Side effects that affect the entire body have not
been reported to date. Correct fitting is assumed.
Do not put the OmoTrain S on too tightly as this
could lead to local pressure symptoms. In rare
cases, constriction of blood vessels and nerves
may occur. If this happens, loosen the strap of
the OmoTrain S and, if necessary, have the size of
your OmoTrain S checked.
Contains natural rubber latex (elastodiene)
which can cause skin irritation in persons
with an allergy. Take off the support if you
notice any allergic reaction.
No clinically significant hypersensitive reactions
have been reported to date. If you have any of the
following conditions such aids should only be
fitted and applied after consultation with your
• Skin disorders / injuries in the relevant part of
the body, particularly if inflammation is present.
Likewise, any raised scars with swelling,
redness and excessive heat build-up
• Impaired sensation and movement disorders of
the arms (e. g. diabetes mellitus)
• Impaired lymph drainage, including soft tissue
swellings of uncertain origin located away from
the fitted support
• Vein occlusion in the arm (arm vein thrombosis)
Application instructions
Putting on the OmoTrain S
A – Knitted section of the support ,
B – Velcro strap, C – Eyelet,
D – Massage pad (Delta pad)
Undo the Velcro strap and refasten the tab just
behind the eyelet.
Place the knitted section between the two
attached straps. The opening should be pointing
toward you. Turn the two straps outward.
Then guide the affected arm through the
knitted section of the support until the shoulder is
well covered. The massage pad (Delta pad) should
be resting on the bony protuberance at front and
back of the shoulder. If this is not the case, adjust
the position of the support or the massage pad.
Use your hand to take hold of the strap loop
from the outside and pull the loop over your head
and under your arm.
Loosen the Velcro tab and
pull the strap until the required degree of
stabilization is achieved. Fasten the strap.
Taking off the OmoTrain S
Undo the strap. To avoid damaging your clothes or
the OmoTrain S, fasten the ends of the strap
loosely onto the strap underneath it. Take hold of
the bottom edge of the support and pull it
Cleaning instructions
Note: Never expose the OmoTrain S to direct heat
(e. g. heaters, sunlight, in your car, etc.)! This may
damage the material, which can impair the
effectiveness of the OmoTrain S.
The sewn-in label of the OmoTrain S, which
contains information on the product name, size,
manufacturer, washing instructions and CE mark,
is located on the inside of the knitted fabric.
All Train products can be machine washed
separately at 30 °C with liquid detergent.
Please note the following when washing your
Train products:
Close the Velcro fastenings to avoid any damage.
Remove the massage pad before washing. Wash
the support separately in a lingerie bag with a
mild laundry detergent at 30 °C. Do not run the
spin cycle on your washing machine at speeds
higher than 500 rpm. Wash the OmoTrain S
regularly so that the knitted fabric retains its
compressive properties. Wash the massage pad
by hand if required.
Refasten the massage pad after washing. To do
this, lay the OmoTrain S with the strap facing
upward on the long side of the knitted fabric.
Fasten the massage pad onto the knitted section
with the long tapered end pointing toward you.
Notes on reuse
The OmoTrain S is intended for your treatment
only and has been specifically selected according
to your measurements. For this reason, do not
pass the OmoTrain S on to other people.
The legal provisions of the country in which the
product was purchased apply. Country-specific
warranty regulations that govern the relationship
between the retailer and the buyer also apply
where relevant. If you believe that a claim may be
made under the warranty, please first contact the
retailer from which you purchased the product
Please do not make any changes to the product
yourself. This particularly applies to individual
adjustments made by specialists. Please follow
our instructions for use and care. These are based
on our experience gained over many years and
ensure the functionality of our medically effective
products for a long time. Only aids that function
optimally can help you. Failure to follow the
instructions may also restrict the warranty.
You can dispose of the product in accordance with
national legal requirements.
If you have any complaints, please contact your
medical retailer only. Please note that only clean
goods can be dealt with.
Version: 2018-01
* Note on the risk of personal injury (risk of injury, harm to
health and accidents) or damage to property (damage to
the product).
A specialist is any person who is authorized according to
the state regulations for fitting and instruction in the use
of supports which are relevant to you.
Standardized washing tests show that after 50 washing
machine cycles full functionality of the Train active support
is retained. (Liquid detergent was used.)
Cette notice d'utilisation peut également
être téléchargée sur:
Madame, Monsieur,
Nous vous remercions de la confiance que vous
accordez à ce produit de la marque Bauerfeind.
Avec OmoTrain S, vous bénéficiez d'un produit de
haut niveau technique et thérapeutique.
Veuillez lire attentivement l'intégralité de la notice
d'utilisation, car elle contient des informations
importantes concernant l'utilisation, les
indications, les contre-indications, l'ajustement,
l'entretien et l'élimination de l'OmoTrain S. Gardez
cette notice d'utilisation, vous pourriez avoir
besoin de la relire. Si vous avez des questions,
adressez-vous à votre médecin traitant ou à votre
revendeur spécialisé.
OmoTrain S est une épaulière. Elle améliore le
guidage de l'épaule et s'oppose aux mouvements
douloureux. Le coussinet de massage (pelote
delta) positionnable de manière individuelle
améliore, par un massage continu, la circulation
du sang, ce qui permet de résorber plus
rapidement les œdèmes et les épanchements. En
utilisant l'OmoTrain S systématiquement, on
obtient une mobilisation plus rapide de l'épaule
atteinte et une diminution appréciable de la
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