Using your device
Preheat your oven before putting your di-
shes in the oven.
(Min temperature 35°C, max 250°C)
Recommended for keeping white meat, fish and
vegetables moist. For cooking multiple items on
up to three levels.
(température mini 35°C maxi 275°C)
Recommandé pour les cuissons lentes et délicates
: gibiers mœlleux et légumes... Pour saisir rôtis
de viandes rouge. Pour mijoter en cocotte fermée
plats préalablement démarrés sur table de cuisson
(coq au vin, civet).
"Smart Assist" system
Your oven is equipped with the "Smart As-
sist" function which, when programming a
time, will recommend a cooking time that
can be modified according to the cooking
mode chosen.
(Min temperature 75°C, max 250°C)
Recommended for moist dishes (quiches,
tarts with juicy fruits, etc.). The pastry will be
thoroughly cooked on the bottom. Recommended
for recipes which rise (cake, brioche, kügelhopf,
etc.) and for soufflés which will not be stopped
by a crust on the top.
Min temperature 35°C, max 275°C)
(This setting saves energy while maintaining the
quality of the cooking.
All types of cooking are done without preheating.
(position 1 to 4)
(min temperature 100°C max 250°C)
Roasts and poultry are juicy and crisp all over.
Slide the drip tray on to the bottom shelf support.
Recommended for all spit-roasted poultry or meat,
for sealing and thoroughly cooking a leg or a rib
of beef. To retain the moist texture of fish steaks.
(min temperature 35°C max 275°C)
*S eq ue nce(s) us ed to ob tain th e re sul ts
in dicated on the en ergy lab e l i n com-
p lian ce with Europ ean s tan dard EN 50304
a nd in accordance with Eu rop e an D i re c-
tiv e 2002/40/CE