To return to the previous menu, press the key
Start Stop
To choose the welding start mode, 2T, 4T or 3L, select
the corresponding symbol.
Mode 2T.
The machine begins welding when the torch trigger is
pressed, and stops when released. With mode 2T, you
can also choose the parameter HSA (Automatic Hot Start)
and the parameter CRA (Final Crater filler).
The 2 parameters HSA and CRA can be activated at the
same time, or individually.
Once the parameter HSA has been enabled, the opera-
tor can adjust the start current from 10 to 200% of the
welding current.
Current time can also be adjusted from 0.1 to 10 se-
conds. Connection time between the start current and
the welding current can also be adjusted from 0.1 to 10
To adjust start current values, current time and con-
nection time, enter main menu by selecting key F
MENU and using the key PARAMETERS to enter the pro-
cess parameters menu. Turn knob 2 to select the para-
meter, press it to enter the adjustment screen and turn it
to adjust the value.
rent from 0.1 to 10 seconds.
The operator can also adjust the crater filling current
from 10 to 200% of the welding current.
The duration of this current can also be adjusted from 0.1
to 10 seconds of the crater filling time.
Press the DEF key to restore
factory settings.
After activating the parame-
ter CRA , the operator can
between the welding current
and the crater filling cur-
To adjust connection time, crater filling current and
crater filling time values, enter the main menu by se-
lecting key F MENU and use key PARAMETRI to enter the
process parameters menu.
Turn knob 2 to select the parameter, press it to enter the
adjustment screen and turn it to adjust the value.
Mode 4T.
To begin welding, press and release the torch trigger; to
stop welding press and release it again. Together with
Mode 4T you can also select function HSA (automa-
tic hot start) and function CRA (final crater filling). (See
Mode 2T).
Mode 3L.
Particularly recommended for welding aluminium. The
HSA and CRA functions are inhibited when mode 3L is
activated. Three welding currents can be selected using
the torch trigger. The current and the connection time va-
lues are set as follows:
Start Current. Adjustable from 10 to 200% of set wel-
ding current.
Connection Time. Adjustable from 0.1 to 10 seconds.
Defines the connection time between start current and
welding current and between welding current and
crater filling current (crater filling when welding is com-
Crater current may be adjusted from 10 to 200% of set
welding current.
Welding starts at the torch trigger pressure.
The current called up will be the start current.
Press the DEF key to restore
factory settings.