8. Troubleshooting
LCD Message
Warning! Line Phase Error
Warning! Bypass Phase Error
Warning! N Loss
Warning! Internal Initial Fail
Warning! Comm. Syn. Signal Fail
Warning! Comm. TRIG0 Fail
Warning! Power Stage Loss
Warning! Parallel Sys Config. Wrong
Warning! Maintenance Bypass
Warning! Battery Age Alert
Warning! Parallel UPS Cable Loosen
Warning! Parallel UPS Config. Wrong
Warning! Parallel Firmware Error
Warning! ID Conflict
As stated.
As stated.
Neutral loss.
As stated.
Communicate Synchronization Signal Fail.
Communicate Trigger signal fault.
As stated.
Parallel System Configure error.
Enter maintenance.
Battery Life expiration.
As stated.
Parallel UPS Configure error.
Power Stage parallel firmware error.
Power Stage ID conflict.
Check if the Mains phase sequence is
correct and contact service personnel.
Check if the Bypass phase sequence is
correct and contact service personnel.
Check if the Neutral connection is correct
and contact service personnel.
Contact service personnel.
Contact service personnel.
Contact service personnel.
Check if the number of power stages
installed in the system is correct
Contact service personnel.
Check if the connector is loose when it acts
Check if the battery has been used over its
service age or contact service personnel.
Check if the Parallel UPS Cable is loose and
contact service personnel.
Check that the Parallel UPS Setting is
correct and contact service personnel.
The firmware version does not support UPS
Parallel feature. Contact service personnel.
There are two Power Stages with the same
ID numbers. Change the repeated ID to
release it or contact service personnel.